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Research Document - 2004/039

Production analysis of southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod for the identification of biological reference points

By Mohn, R.K., Chouinard, G.


Production of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod in relation to spawning stock biomass was investigated to help identify biological reference points. This is a preliminary analysis to examine the feasibility and implications of using production-based arguments in the definition of biological limits. The productivity of this stock has changed through time and is currently at a low level. Based on theoretical growth in biomass in one generation (6 years) and a non-parametric stock-recruit relationship for the stock, the cautious/healthy boundary was estimated to be about 200,000 t. Using this boundary and the generational growth that can be expected under favorable conditions, a preliminary estimate of the critical/cautious boundary for this stock is in the order of 80,000 t.

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