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Research Document - 2004/40

Pollock Stock Status in the Canadian Maritimes: A Framework Assessment

By Neilson, J.D., Perley, P., Gavaris, S.


In 2003 and 2004, the Maritimes Region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans undertook a Framework Assessment of pollock (Pollachius virens). Such assessments are meant to be a comprehensive review of the biology, stock structure, the fishery, abundance indices, current assessment methodology and approaches for determining acceptable harvest levels. The results of the final (April 6-8, 2004) meeting of the Framework Assessment are described here, and the specifications of a population model and assessment methodology are provided in detail. Given the relative importance of the fishery in the western half of the management unit and the availability of indices of abundance, the population model focuses on that area. The review provides a consensus opinion on the best available approach for the provision of harvest advice for the pollock resource.

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