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Research Document - 2004/056

Framework for a benthic aquaculture monitoring program in the Pacific region.

By Sutherland, T.


Benthic monitoring programs designed to detect environmental change require the following aspects to be defined: 1) spatial boundaries and temporal fluctuations of impact zone; 2) reference zones for each impacted substrate or habitat type; 3) cause and magnitude of environmental change; and 4) future predictions of impact trends.

In order to define the spatial extent of an impact zone, comparisons of before and after conditions and/or control and impact conditions should be considered. It is important that baseline data in support of "before" conditions be collected in regions that will receive impact, while data characterizing "control" conditions be collected in regions that will remain uninfluenced by far-field benthic impacts. In order to identify "control" or reference areas one must have a working knowledge of the hydrography, substrate, bathymetry, and habitat characteristics of the impact site in order to provide a proper comparison of the control and impact environments. The selection of the appropriate physical, chemical, and biological parameters to be incorporated into a monitoring program will largely influence the capability to detect environmental change. Properties to be measured should include 1) tracers of waste material (i.e. Zinc), 2) altered chemical and physical parameters resulting from waste input (i.e. Sulphides/Redox), and 3) biological responses to the direct waste inputs and indirect byproducts. Further research providing practical examples of data that compares spatial and temporal variance at reference/impacted sites within the Pacific Region is required in order to create a hierarchical ranking of monitoring parameters according to their ability to detect ecological impact.

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