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Research Document - 2004/071

Stock indicators for LFA 33 with respect to management changes implemented in 2000

By Claytor, R.


LFA 33 lobster landings since the early 1980's have been higher than the previous 30 years. Voluntary v-notching, increasing the minimum legal size (MLS) from 81mm to 82.5mm, and release of lobsters missing claws (culls) were the management measures applied in LFA 33 in response to the Atlantic-wide management plan implemented to double egg production per recruit. This document reports on the status of indicators for: (1) legal sized lobsters, (2) pre-recruits, (3) berried females, (4) exploitation rate, (5) distribution (prevalence), and (6) ecosystem to evaluate the current stock status, determine the effectiveness of the plan, and to determine the data and indicators important to collect for future assessments. The principal results were: Legal sized lobster indicators were primarily positive or exhibited no change during the years of the management plan. Pre-recruit (sub-legal sized) lobster indicators exhibited no overall change or were negative during the years of the management plan. Berried female (larger than 50% size-at-maturity, >100mm) indicators were positive during the years of the management plan. Exploitation rate indicators declined during the years of the management plan. Positive legal size, berried female, and exploitation rate indicators were consistent with expectations from the management plan. Pre-recruit indicators were not expected to improve as a result of the management plan. The two major data sources that will contribute to improvements in interpreting current indicators are: (1) developing fishermen generated logbooks that include spatial catch and effort data, and (2) increasing the spatial coverage in Fishermen and Scientists Research Society (FSRS) trap programs.

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