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Research Document - 2004/076

Operationalizing an Ecosystem Conservation Framework for the Eastern Scotian Shelf

By O'Boyle, R., Sinclair, M., Keizer, P.,
Lee, K., Ricard D., Yeats, P.


Since Canada enacted the Oceans Act in 1997, there have been a number of initiatives in DFO to explore how best to manage Canada's three oceans. Principle amongst these has been the establishment of a national program on Integrated Management which involves pilot projects on each coast. The project on the east coast is being undertaken on the Eastern Scotian Shelf which a number of ocean industries utilize - for example, fishing, oil & gas exploration, transport, and the military. As part of this ESSIM pilot project, a framework has been developed to clarify how ecosystem-based management could be implemented. A suite of conceptual conservation objectives is first identified for the ESSIM area, based upon a set of national objectives which address biodiversity, productivity and habitat issues. The process whereby these conceptual objectives are made operational is then presented. Through this process, operational objectives, which identify an indicator and reference point, are stated for each conceptual objective. Utilizing this framework, ocean industry activities can be managed in a consistent manner to meet the conservation objectives for the ESSIM area. Issues of spatial scale and cumulative impacts are noted as required, and comment is made on how progress against the suite of objectives could be communicated.

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