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Research Document - 2004/095

Review of Allowable Harm Permits for inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon

By Amiro, P.G.


This document provides an assessment of the potential for assignment of allowable harm permits for federally licensed activities possibly catching endangered inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon. Potential captures require an Allowable Harm Permit under Section 73 of the Species at Risk Act. Assessments are conducted for fisheries or activities that may affect the survival or recovery of endangered species. The document follows a recommended framework to assess allowable harm permits. The document was drafted as a guide to Fisheries Management and completes the outlined framework regardless of intermediary conclusions. Application of the framework indicated that, since the population trajectory is below replacement, no increase in mortality was available to be allocated and therefore, no allowable harm can be permitted. The document examines ‘what if’ the trajectory was positive. A review of the sources of mortality revealed no high impact actions where further restrictions or elimination of the mortality sources could lead to recovery. This result was expected because the origin of the downturn in recruitment is not known but has been shown to be concurrent with the marine phase of the salmon life cycle.

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