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Research Document - 2004/101

Newfoundland East and Southeast Coast Herring - An Assessment of Stocks to the Spring of 2004

By Wheeler, J.P., B. Squires, P. Williams


Results of an assessment from 2002 to the spring of 2004 are presented for four herring stocks along the east and southeast coasts of Newfoundland. Commercial landings increased from 4800 t in 2002 to 5800 t in 2003. However, TAC’s were not taken in any area due to poor market conditions and price. Spring spawners dominated commercial landings, however, less so than in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. The 1999 year class dominated in all areas except Fortune Bay where the 1996 year class was dominant. Four series of abundance indices were available for each of the stock areas: research gill net catch rates, commercial gill net catch rates, and gill net and purse seine fisher observations. No acoustic biomass estimates were available due to the discontinuation of these surveys. The methodology to describe stock status was similar to the last assessment in 2002. Current status and future prospects were summarized for each area in a performance report. These reports were based upon a standardized interpretation of abundance indices, biological characteristics, and ecological considerations. The precautionary approach was implemented for the first time by quantifying levels of concern in relation to mean research gill net catch rates. Retrospective performance reports were also prepared. For White Bay – Notre Dame Bay and Bonavista Bay – Trinity Bay, current status has improved since the last assessment but abundance is still at a low level. The status of the St. Mary’s Bay – Placentia Bay and Fortune Bay stocks has deteriorated since 2002. The precautionary approach indicated low or no risk of serious harm to any of the stocks.

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