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Research Document - 2004/102

Biology, fishery and status of the 2GH and 2J3KL (northern) cod stocks: information supporting an assessment of allowable harm under the Species at Risk Act for the COSEWIC-defined Newfoundland and Labrador population of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

By Lilly, G.R., E.F. Murphy


This paper reviews information on the biology, fishery and status of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the area from the northern tip of Labrador to the central Grand Bank (NAFO Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KL). This information was requested to assist in the assessment of allowable harm under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) for the COSEWIC-defined Newfoundland and Labrador population of cod. The COSEWIC population also includes cod on the southern Grand Bank (Divisions 3NO), but those cod are not discussed in the present paper. Information is presented separately for the 2GH and 2J3KL cod stocks. Little is known about the cod in 2GH, so the bulk of the information comes from the 2J3KL (northern) cod stock. In addition, because the dynamics of offshore and inshore populations of northern cod have differed since the collapse of the stock in the early 1990s, information is presented for offshore and inshore populations separately for the period from the mid-1990s to the present. As requested in the Terms of Reference for the assessment meeting, information is provided on the recent trajectory and current status of each stock. Targets for recovery of these stocks, and anticipated time frames to attain those targets, have not yet been formulated, so a few observations are provided regarding historic stock levels and the potential for stock growth. Data and estimates are provided regarding recent levels of landings and discards. Because the impact of these human-induced mortalities cannot be understood without consideration of the ecosystem within which the stocks are embedded, information is provided regarding the possible influence of predators (notably seals), prey (especially capelin) and the physical environment. The assessment of allowable harm is reported elsewhere.

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