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Research Document - 2004/119

Assessing Ballast Water Exchange Zones on the Scotian Shelf and Gulf of Maine

By Brickman, D., B.D. Petrie, P.C. Smith


This paper assesses the risk of various alternate ballast water exchange zones in the Scotian Shelf (SS) and Gulf of Maine (GoM) region of Maritime Canada. The authors assembled available drifter data to look at drift and dispersion on the shelf. These data were too sparse to formulate useful advice about particular traffic corridors. Therefore, a numerical circulation model of the SS/GoM was used to assess dispersion along various vessel routes on the shelf. Model output formed the basis of the advice on ballast water exchange in Maritime Canada.

The preferred option for alternative ballast water exchange would occur off the shelf (beyond the 1000 m isobath). This is based on the existence of a persistent shelfbreak current that acts as a barrier to onshelf transport.

Recognizing that ships transiting the north-south coastal route often do not normally travel offshelf, we propose the following:

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