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Research Document - 2006/017

A synthesis of fresh water habitat requirements and status for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Canada

By Amiro, P.G.


The habitat requirements for Atlantic salmon are reviewed, summarised and presented in tabular format at the micro-, meso- and macro scale. Habitat requirements by life stage are summarized from the literature. Variation in definitions for attributes describing habitat were noted and examples of attempts to standardize definitions in accordance with other disciplines are identified. The inability to integrate habitat definitions across scales was noted and identified as an area for research. The implications of theories of habitat use on the definition of crucial habitat to maintain populations is reviewed and based on the flexibility of habitat use and spatial adjustment of habitat use in response to habitat instability, maintenance and protection of a diversity of habitat is recommended for inclusion as critical habitat.

The availability of habitat was noted to have declined some 50% since European colonization in North America and a further 16% in Canada since 1867. Substantial declines in productive capacity were identified in association with hydro power development and acidification. On the Southern Upland of Nova Scotia productive capacity had declined some 25% by 1989 and a further 25% since then due to acid precipitation and concurrent low marine survival. Only marginal losses in the productive capacity of Atlantic salmon due to acidification have been noted in other areas in Canada.

The habitat component of those attributes that affect the capacity to produce Atlantic salmon was also reviewed. The information reviewed suggested that there was not a concurrent decline in the availability or function of the remaining habitat associated with an identified decline in abundance of salmon in Atlantic Canada since the late 1980’s. 

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