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Research Document - 2006/046

Physical Environmental Conditions in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2005

By Chassé, J., R.G. Pettipas and W.M. Petrie


Physical environmental conditions in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Magdalen Shallows) during 2005 were examined from air temperature, sea ice and oceanographic data. Air temperatures were near normal during the first half of the year and above normal during the second half. Ice conditions were near normal during winter 2005. Bottom conditions were variable but tended to have be warmer over much of the deeper part of the Magdalen Shallows compared to 2004, although some coastal areas showed cooling during the year. Surface waters were significantly cooler than normal in June 2005 but changed to warmer than normal in September. This is in agreement with a decrease in the September volume of the CIL from 2004. There are warming trends at both the surface and bottom (75 m) while the salinities continue to decrease since reaching their maximum values during 2000-2002.

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