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Research Document - 2007/035

Assessment of the Arctic surfclam (Mactromeris polynyma) stock on Banquereau, Nova Scotia, 2004

By Roddick, D., R. Kilada, and K. Mombourquette


A 2004 survey of the Banquereau Arctic surfclam stock provided an estimate of the biomass of 1,462,097 ± 24,944 t of surfclams. This biomass is higher than that of previous surveys. Indications are that the fishery, which started in 1986, has not had a large impact on the stock and it is still near the virgin biomass level. Recruitment and growth overfishing are not a problem in this fishery with the present gear selectivity pattern. Size at 50% selectivity is larger than size at maturity and near the size at maximum cohort biomass. The TAC could be increased from the present 24,000 t, but caution is advised as TAC’s and catch rates would be expected to decine as landings increase.

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