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Research Document - 2008/039

Assessment of the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) spawning stock biomass from the data of the ichthyoplankton surveys made on the west coast of Newfoundland in 2004 and 2005

By François Grégoire, William Barry, Jim Barry, Olan Gregan, Charline Lé vesque, Jean-Louis Beaulieu and M.-H. Gendron


Ichthyoplankton surveys for describing distribution and calculating larvae abundance for pelagic fish were conducted on the west coast of in July 2004 and 2005. Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) larvae and eggs were collected at most of the stations sampled. Egg densities by station were converted in daily and total production and in spawning biomass according to the same analytical approach used for the abundance surveys conducted annually in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence In 2004 and 2005, spawning biomasses were estimated respectively at 1,466 t and 5,692 t. These biomasses were only associated with the sampled area and the portion of the population that was spawning at the time of the surveys.

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