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Research Document - 2008/053

Summer Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy Research Vessel Survey Update for 2007

By D. Clark and J. Emberley


The 2007 Scotian Shelf summer Research Vessel (RV) survey was conducted between July 7th and August 2nd 2007 onboard the CCGS Teleost. The CCGS Teleost made 77 fishing sets during the first leg of the survey, and 114 during the second leg. In Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) divisions 4X5Y (Strata 470-495), 68 valid tows were completed, while 109 valid tows were completed in NAFO divisions 4VW, (Strata 440-466) and 3 sets were completed in Strata 496-498 (Scotian Shelf edge; depth > 200 fm, Fig. 1). Hydrographic data were collected at all fishing stations.

There were 97 species of fish identified from the trawl catch, and 107 species of invertebrates. The number of invertebrate species in 2007 was significantly higher than in the past. This was a result of a broader sampling strategy, and was accomplished through the participation in the survey of personnel with a broad experitise in identification of invertebrates.

Details on data collected, protocols followed, areas covered and species captured are provided. Trends in abundance, biomass, and area occupied are presented for selected commercial species, and for species for which the data display a pronounced trend.

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