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Research Document - 2009/020

Fecundity of cod in the Northwest Atlantic

By R.M. Rideout and M.J. Morgan


This document presents the time series of fecundity data that have been collected in the Newfoundland region for a variety of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stocks. Ovaries were collected from 1266 Northwest Atlantic cod (Table 1) during spring bottom trawl surveys conducted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada research vessels. Samples were collected from Div. 2J3KL, 3M, 3NO, and Subdiv. 3Ps and 3Pn. The years of sampling varied from area to area but overall ranged from 1978 to 2004. Equations relating fecundity to fork length for all areas and years for which the regression was significant and for which 15 or more fish were sampled are presented. For 3NO and 3Ps time series of fecundity at length (in this case 55 cm) and relative fecundity are given. It is clear that there is substantial spatial and temporal variation in fecundity of cod in the Newfoundland region. Continued collection of fecundity data would allow the construction of longer time series of egg production and would allow further exploration of the causes of the large variation in fecundity.

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