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Research Document - 2009/024

Assessment of the Status of Divisions 4X5Y Haddock in 2005

By P.C.F Hurley, G.A.P. Black, G.A. Young, R.K. Mohn, and P.A. Comeau


Landings of 4X5Y haddock in the fishing year ending 31 March 2005 were 5,946t, relative to a quota of 10,000t. The 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2003 yearclasses are all strong. Spawning stock biomass increased to 54,000t in 2003 and has decreased slightly in 2005. Since 1994, fishing mortality has been below F0.1. Relative fishing mortality shows a declining trend on the Scotian Shelf, but remains relatively stable in the Bay of Fundy. Exploitation in the Bay of Fundy may be too high and is hampering rebuilding. If catches are maintained at the current TAC of 8,000t, fishing mortality will remain below F0.1 and spawning stock biomass will decrease from 2006 to 2007. Mean sizes-at-age in the RV survey have been decreasing since the mid-1970s, and many ages are at or near the smallest size observed in the time series. Under the current growth regime, productivity is about two thirds of what it was in the 1970s. There would be no increase in yield by delaying harvest of this resource to older ages. The achievement of rebuilding objectives for cod and pollock may constrain the harvesting of haddock.

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