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Research Document - 2009/106

Labrador Brook Trout Mark Recapture and Outfitter Logbook Program; a subcomponent study of the Trans Labrador Highway Phase III environmental Assessment

By Nathan K. Spence and Robert C. Perry


During the summer of 2007 both a logbook and mark-recapture program were initiated to establish estimates for catch per unit of effort, composition and commercial population size of six trophy brook trout fisheries located on the Eagle River Watershed, Labrador, Canada. Significant differences existed among lakes for both length and weight of catch. Catch rates did not differ among five lakes (0.64 fish per hour). However, one lake had a mean catch rate more than twice that of the other five (1.97 fish per hour).  Weight and length of catch significantly differed among the six lodges. Overall, the mean weight of an angled fish for the watershed was 4.27 lb (N = 416, max. = 8.25 lb, min. = 0.5 lb). The average length was 50.2 cm (N = 344 max. = 61.0 cm, min. = 24.1 cm). Comparisons of fish length and weight classes from standardized sampling indicate that brook trout from the Eagle River tend to be larger than trout sampled from neighbouring watersheds. Preliminary results for the mark recapture portion of the study were insufficient to give reliable population estimates for five of the six lodges surveyed.

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