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Research Document - 2010/031

Incidental catch, discards and potential post-release survival of fish captured in fixed-gear groundfish fisheries in NAFO 4T (Estuary and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence)

By H.P. Benoît and T. Hurlbut


In this document we provide information on the trends in fishing effort and estimates of incidental catch composition and discards in the principal fixed-gear (gillnets, longlines and handlines) groundfish fisheries of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) division 4T, the Estuary and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (1991-2008). We also present preliminary results of a study of potential post-release survival of discarded fishes that were captured by the fixed gear in question. The rates of incidental catch and discarding, as well as estimated total amounts, were by far the lowest in the cod handline fishery. Based on observations of post-release survival indicators for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), fish captured in this fishery are also generally in good condition and therefore survival of any discarded fish is expected to be good, particularly for more resilient taxa such as sculpins (Cottidae). At the other end of the scale for the fisheries considered here, rates of incidental catch and discarding were highest in the American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) gillnet and in the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) longline fisheries. However, total amounts of incidental and discarded catch were comparatively low in these fisheries because catches of the target species have generally been low (a situation that is changing for the Atlantic halibut fishery). Total discards were consistently the highest across years in the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) gillnet fishery. Post-release survival of the most frequently discarded taxa in this fishery - skates, black dogfish and crabs – has not been evaluated.

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