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Research Document - 2010/033

Results from the August 2008 sentinel bottom trawl survey of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence

By L. Savoie and T.J. Surette


A sentinel bottom trawl survey has been performed in NAFO area 4T from 2003 to 2008. This survey uses a stratified-random sampling scheme along with a standardized fishing protocol. Four commercial vessels participate each year. Formal statistical tests revealed significant differences in relative fishing efficiency between vessels. These were used to adjust catch levels with respect to a reference vessel. Informal comparisons between each vessel's length-frequency distributions were made. Overall length-frequencies are presented as well as spatial distributions of catches for each year. Abundance indices are presented for commercial groundfish species (Atlantic cod, white hake and various flatfish). Atlantic herring. American plaice, winter flounder and yellowtail flounder show significant decreases in their abundance since 2003. Atlantic cod and white hake show slight though non-significant decreases. Various issues related to the formal modeling and testing are discussed and recommendations are made for future analyses.

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