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Research Document - 2010/085

Assessment of the Status of Division 4X5Y Haddock in 2009

By R.K. Mohn, M.K. Trzcinski, G.A.P. Black, S. Armsworthy, G.A. Young, P.A. Comeau, and C.E. den Heyer


The status of the southern Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy haddock stock (Divs. 4X5Y) was assessed using sequential population analysis. The previously established framework was used to provide advice. The results of several other models were presented to illustrate the degree of uncertainty in stock status and to promote further analysis and discussion of biological reference points. Landings of 4X5Y haddock in the fishing year ending 31 March 2008 were 5,684t, which is less than the quota of 7,000t. The quota in the 2008/09 fishing year remained at 7,000t, and 3,146t had been landed as of 5 November 2009. The summer research vessel (RV) survey mean weight per tow of haddock in the Bay of Fundy was below the long-term average. The weight-at-age of haddock remains low, but condition shows a positive trend over the past five years. Both the population, as sampled by the summer RV survey, and commercial landings are dominated by small fish (<43cm). Recent recruitment, based on model estimates, has been good; the 2003, 2005 and 2006 year-classes are above average. Spawning stock biomass (ages 4+) increased over the past decade, and is still above the long-term average. The recruitment indices, age structure and relative fishing mortality (F) for Scotian Shelf haddock suggest that exploitation is moderate and can allow for some rebuilding of the population. Assuming an F0.1 catch of 5,300t in 2009, the catch at F0.1 (F=0.25) in 2010 would be projected at 5,400t and zero growth would occur at a catch of approximately 4,200t.

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