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Research Document - 2013/065

Identification and Review of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas in the Bay of Fundy

By M-I. Buzeta


The Bay of Fundy forms a significant part of the Gulf of Maine. Massive tides and water flow result in the cycling of nutrients out of the marshes, mudflats, and estuaries of the upper bay to the mouth and beyond. Anthropogenic disturbances in some areas have resulted in significant changes to the biodiversity. This report provides a summary of available ecological and species information for selected areas in the Bay of Fundy which have been determined to be ecologically and/or biologically significant according to criteria defined by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Convention on Biological Diversity. This report builds on previous efforts to identify ecologically important areas in the Bay of Fundy (Buzeta et al. 2003a; Buzeta and Singh 2008; AECOM Canada Ltd. 2011). Based on substantial evidence from published literature, the sum total of scientific and local knowledge, previous Fisheries and Oceans Canada workshops, and the recent peer-reviewed evaluations of significant areas (DFO 2012), the following sites in the Bay of Fundy are concluded to be Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas:

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