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Research Document - 2013/091

Capelin (Mallotus villosus) recruitment indices in NAFO Division 3KL

By B.S. Nakashima and F.K. Mowbray


Trends in larvae emerging from Bellevue Beach, newly-emerged larvae in the Bellevue area, 0-group larvae in Trinity Bay, and ages 1 and 2 capelin offshore in Div. 3L were examined for the 2003-12 year classes. The sampling, development, and utility of each index are described. There is variation among the indices for each year class with some having higher variation such as 2003, 2005, and 2012 and others lower such as 2004 and 2007. However, the overall pattern of the indices was reasonably coherent and may be useful in projecting recruitment to the spawning population. These standardized indices were first examined during the 2010 regional capelin assessment process and more recently during the 2013 capelin assessment process.

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