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Research Document - 2014/028

An Assessment of Northern Shrimp and Striped Shrimp in the Eastern Assessment Zone and Western Assessment Zone (Shrimp Fishing Areas 2 and 3)

By T.D. Siferd


The status of the Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and Striped Shrimp (P. montagui) resources in the Eastern Assessment Zone is assessed based on the results of fishery-independent surveys conducted by the Northern Shrimp Research Foundation for the years 2006-2012 and commercial catch statistics. Results from individual survey areas within the Eastern Assessment Zone are also provided. Northern Shrimp are assessed to be well within the Healthy Zone of the Precautionary Approach Framework even though biomass has shown a decline over the past three years albeit year to year differences are statistically insignificant. The potential exploitation rate, based on the taking the TAC, is about 14% near the level expected by fishery managers. Striped Shrimp biomass has increased dramatically over one year and is over two times higher than the previous maximum in the time series. This estimate moved Striped Shrimp from the Cautious Zone to well within the Healthy Zone. Great caution must be taken in the use of the 2012 estimate for management purposes. Only future survey results will show whether the estimate is valid.

Reference points for a Precautionary Approach Framework were developed for both Northern Shrimp and Striped Shrimp in the Western Assessment Zone. Reference points were calculated using the same methodology used in other shrimp fishing areas. Since no survey was conducted in the Western Assessment Zone in 2012 data, required to produce the framework, from the previous year’s update are included for reference which included surveys conducted in 2007, 2009 and 2011.

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