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Research Document - 2014/030

Methods and geophysical attributes for the Fisheries Risk Assessment Tool

By Michael Porter and Neil Mochnacz


Development of the Fisheries Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) was carried out by BGC Engineering Inc. (BGC) and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) between 2005 and 2010. The objective of the FRAT was to explore methods to facilitate a prioritization of pipeline stream crossing applications on the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project according to an overall risk rating, thereby providing an objective means for allocating review effort and improving the timely review of development applications. The hazards considered in the FRAT were limited to the potential for stream sedimentation under natural conditions and during and following pipeline construction activities. The consequences considered in the FRAT were limited to potential localized impacts to fish and fish habitat as a result of stream sedimentation.

Additionally, it was believed that the FRAT could facilitate the storage and retrieval of relevant terrain, watercourse and fisheries data for each proposed pipeline crossing, improve communication between DFO and the proponent, and encourage the use of best practices for pipeline routing, design, construction, and operation. While the focus of the FRAT was the Mackenzie Gas Project, it was hoped that ultimately a modified version of the FRAT could be applied across Canada to streamline DFO’s regulatory process for other pipeline watercourse crossings.

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