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Research Document - 2015/031

Information to support the identification of critical habitat for the Morrison Creek Lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni var. marifuga)

By Joy Wade, Nadine Pinnell, Gabrielle Kosminder and Sean MacConnachie


Critical habitat is proposed for the Morrison Creek Lamprey in Morrison Creek, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.  The Morrison Creek Lamprey is currently listed as Endangered in Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act.  The Morrison Creek Lamprey is endemic to Morrison Creek and any habitat that is critical for the survival and recovery for this species, must be afforded protection.  Given the small size of the Morrison Creek drainage, the distribution of habitats for various life stages of the Morrison Creek Lamprey, the importance of consistent cold water to the continued survival of the species within the creek, and the extreme endemism of this species the critical habitat for the Morrison Creek Lamprey is recommended as the headwaters for the Morrison Creek watershed, Morrison Creek and Arden Creek in its entirety, and a riparian area of between 10 and 30 metres.

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