Research Document - 2015/078
Species at Risk criteria and seismic survey noise thresholds for cetaceans
By James A. Theriault, Hilary B. Moors-Murphy
Mitigation measures are required for seismic survey operations occurring in Canadian waters to reduce potential negative effects on marine mammals. Since 2008, the statement of Canadian practice with respect to the mitigation of seismic sound in the marine environment (SOCP) has been used to guide the minimum standard mitigation measures recommended for seismic operations in Canadian waters. As an understanding of anthropogenic impacts and Canadian legislation evolves, it is necessary to revisit the policies and protocols intended to minimize such impacts. This research document strives to address if quantitative acoustic thresholds can be recommended to meet the needs of listed cetacean species protected by the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Where quantitative acoustic thresholds are not available, qualitative thresholds are discussed.
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