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Science Response 2008/002

Review of Exxonmobil Canada’s 2007 offshore environmental effects monitoring report


DFO Maritimes Science was asked by the Oceans and Habitat Management Branch to review ExxonMobil Canada Properties Inc.’s 2007 annual report “Offshore Environmental Effects Monitoring Program ExxonMobil Canada Properties – Sable Offshore Energy Project” (Amec and Hurley Environment Ltd. 2008) on 8 April 2008. In addition, ExxonMobil’s Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) proposal for 2008 was provided for comment in early May. Given the short timeline to prepare a response, DFO Maritimes Science determined that a Special Science Response Process would be used. Environmental Effects Monitoring Reports for the Sable Offshore Energy Project have been reviewed by DFO Maritimes Science in previous years (e.g., DFO 2007).

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