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Science Response 2008/003

Mallard Lake Fish and Fish Habitat


Golden Band Resources Inc. owns several gold deposits and the Jolu Mill gold processing facility and is proposing to develop selected deposits in the La Ronge Gold Belt located in north-central Saskatchewan. As part of the planning study conducted by Golden Band, Canada North Environmental Services (CanNorth) was retained to prepare an environmental evaluation of the aquatic resources in the Mallard Lake.  Mallard Lake has been used in the past as a tailing management facility and is proposed for such use in the future. There is currently a proposal before Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to re-open the mine. In determining the application of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations, one of the considerations is the lake’s current status, from a legal basis, as fish-frequented.  From a policy perspective a determination of the status of the fish habitat in the lake and the lake’s ability to support fish may be considered.

Habitat Management requested Science advice on the status of Mallard Lake. In particular, they asked the following questions:

  1. Does Mallard Lake, which has been used in the past as a tailings management facility (and is proposed for such use in the future), currently constitute a fish-frequented waterbody and fish habitat from a biological perspective?
  2. Based on the information provided, does this water body have the potential to support fish and fish habitat on a long-term basis?
  3. Do the data as collected provide for a conclusive determination? What additional information would be required to better characterize the status of the lake as fish habitat and/or fish frequented?
  4. Does the quality of the water in the lake represent a danger (risk) to fish health such that fish should be prevented from entering the lake?

Habitat Management submitted their request for advice on April 22, 2008 and requested a response from Science by April 25, 2008. The response was to be based on the Aquatic Baseline Investigations of the Mallard Tailings Management Facility, Final Report prepared by Canada North Environmental Services Project No. 1138 January 2008.

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