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Science Response 2008/014

Review of scallop gear modification report


The Maritimes Centre for Science Advice received a request from Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (FAM) on 25 June 2007, asking:

  1. What are the conclusions of the available information, reports, and analyses on gear design (in Canada, the US, and Internationally) on the potential for mitigating bycatch in the sea scallop (Plactopecten magellanicus) fishery in the Maritimes Region?
  2. Based on these conclusions, are there modifications to gear that could be applied to achieve a reduction of groundfish bycatch in the Maritimes Region?
  3. What further research or experimentation can be identified, if any, that would evaluate the effectiveness of groundfish bycatch mitigation techniques for the scallop fishery in the Maritimes Region?

A summary report of available information to address these questions was produced on 21 February 2008. This report was reviewed by DFO Maritimes on 11 April 2008. The report has been prepared as a Research Document for future reference as a summary of the literature review and recommendations that were presented (Walsh 2008). This Science Response Report contains the DFO Maritimes Science response to the questions asked by FAM after review of the summary report and upon further deliberation.

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