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Science Response 2009/010

2008 Groundfish Abundance and Biomass Index Trends from DFO’S Scotian Shelf Summer
Research Vessel Survey


DFO has conducted summer research vessel (RV) surveys in the Maritimes Region, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) subunits 4VWX, using a standardized protocol since 1970 (Chadwick et al. 2007). Results of these surveys provide significant information on trends in abundance for most groundfish species on the Scotian Shelf, and are a critical part of science-based stock assessments. However, not all species are assessed on an annual basis. On 10 March 2009, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (FAM) requested a review of the DFO RV survey information on the following list of fish stocks, for which stock assessments had not been conducted in 2008, to be used as the basis for establishing the total allowable catch (TAC) for the 2009/2010 fishery:

FAM also requested that these survey results be presented to the Groundfish Advisory Committee, which was held 23 March 2009.

Given the short time-frame for response, the evaluation of this information was conducted through the Science Special Response process. Results were reviewed by DFO Maritimes Science and FAM only; no external reviewers or industry participants were included in the review.

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