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Science Response 2009/015

Review of the environmental Impact Assessment for the Proposed Eider Rock Petroleum Refinery and Marine Terminal in Saint John, NB


DFO Maritimes Science Branch was asked by the Environmental Assessment and Major Projects (EAMP) Division to review the Province of New Brunswick’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for the Eider Rock Petroleum Refinery and Marine Terminal Proposal on 12 May 2009 with a response requested by 27 May 2009. It is expected that this Science Response will be used to assist EAMP in developing its own comments for the Province, as well as in making any Fisheries Act determinations related to this project. DFO Science was asked to address the following questions:

  1. Entrainment of fish:
    1. Does science agree with the methodology used to estimate the numbers of eggs and larval fish entrained by the intake and the conclusions regarding the significance of these mortalities for fish productivity in the area?
    2. Can science offer mitigation options to reduce the predicted mortalities associated with the entrainment/impingement of fish, such as design of intake, location, or depth?
    3. Can science suggest monitoring options to assess the entrainment of fish and subsequent mortalities if the project becomes operational?
  2. Effluent release modelling:
    1. Does science agree with the methodology and input used for the model and are the conclusions of the consultant valid (e.g. siting of outfall, dispersion of plume, etc.)?
    2. Can science suggest potential impacts to fish and fish habitat associated with the thermal plume in addition to those identified by the consultant?
    3. Can science suggest monitoring options to assess the predictions of the dispersion model as well as the operational effects of the thermal plume on fish and fish habitats?
  3. Effects of noise on marine life:
    1. Does science agree with the methodology used to assess the effects of noise on marine life, and the significance of these effects?
    2. Can science offer mitigation options to reduce the effects of noise on marine life?
    3. Can science suggest monitoring options to assess the effects of noise on marine life associated with the construction and/or operational phases of the overall project?
  4. Marine oil spill response scenario:
    1. Advice from Science may be required in the future on this topic as more details become available.

Due to the level of detail and scope provided in the EIA and the short duration for Science to review the relevant sections and provide responses to the questions posed, it was decided that a preliminary response would be provided through the Special Science Response process and a more detailed Science Response would be provided at a later time if deemed necessary.

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