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Science Response 2014/035

Science Review of the Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)


Since 2002, the C-NLOPB has been conducting Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) of portions of the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area that may have the potential for offshore oil and gas exploration activity. SEA is a broad-based approach to environmental assessment that examines the environmental effects which may be associated with a plan, program or policy proposal and that allows for the incorporation of environmental considerations at the earliest stages of program planning. SEA typically involves a broader-scale environmental assessment (EA) that considers the larger ecological setting, rather than a project-specific environmental assessment that focuses on site-specific issues with defined boundaries. Notably, the accuracy of information in a SEA is especially important as it sets the basis for future project-specific EA within its study area.

On March 5, 2014, The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) released the Draft Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report for public comment.

The Environmental Assessment and Major Projects (EAMP) Division of the DFO Ecosystems Management Branch in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region requested that DFO Science undertake a review of this document, and specifically the information put forward in the SEA on the (physical and biological) Environmental Setting: Section 4.1.4 (Oceanography); Section 4.1.5 (Ice conditions); Section 4.2.1 (Fish and Fish Habitat); Section 4.2.3 (Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles); Section 4.2.4 (Sensitive and Special Areas); as well as that on Environmental Interactions, Mitigation and Planning Considerations (i.e., the effects assessment): Section 5.1 (Fish and Fish Habitat); Section 5.3 (Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles); and Section 5.4 (Sensitive and Special Areas).

Given the short timeline to carry out a review, a DFO Science Response process was undertaken. Science expertise within Fisheries and Oceans, Newfoundland and Labrador Region was solicited to address this review – although the provision of feedback was limited to the areas of the report where expertise was available at the time of the review, including that from Ecological Sciences, Marine Mammals, Marine Fish Species at Risk and Pelagic Sections.

The review found that overall the quality of scientific information presented in the SEA varies across the sections. While the SEA document contains a large volume of information and valuable data, it is not complete in its current form. The SEA fails to incorporate many important and relevant data sources (e.g. non-Canadian surveys and analyses derived from them) and overlooks many important and basic considerations on ecosystem structure and function. It also does not adequately explore to the potential impacts on ecosystem functioning. Suggested changes/updates resulting from this review should be considered for incorporation into the final Eastern Newfoundland SEA before using it as a source of guidance for decision-making.

This Science Response Report results from the April 2014 Science Response Process for the review of the “Eastern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (AMEC November 2013).” The report is a summary of the comments provided by DFO Science Branch, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, to the Marine Habitat Protection Section on the above noted sections, as well as other parts of the document where knowledge was available.

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