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Terms of Reference

Development of Reference Points for Atlantic Salmon that Conform to the Precautionary Approach

Zonal Peer Review – Gulf, Maritimes, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Québec

February 11-13, 2014
Moncton, New Brunswick

Chairperson: Geoff Veinott (MPO Newfoundland & Labrador Region)


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Ecosystems and Fisheries Management Branch has asked science to develop reference points for Atlantic Salmon that conform to "A fishery decision-making framework incorporating the Precautionary Approach" (DFO 2009). The request follows on an action item associated with implementation of the Wild Atlantic Salmon Conservation Policy (WASCP) to review benchmarks / reference points for Atlantic salmon which conform to the Precautionary Approach. Presently, there is one reference point for Atlantic salmon in eastern Canada which is called the conservation objective. By definition, it is considered to be a limit reference point (CAFSAC 91/15). Management of Atlantic Salmon is presently based on a fixed escapement objective with all fish above the conservation requirement considered surplus to spawning requirements and available for fisheries (CAFSAC 91/16). The reference point defined by CAFSAC has been used both domestically and internationally to guide fisheries management actions including the provision of catch advice for the mixed-stock Atlantic Salmon fishery at West Greenland. The use of a single reference point for managing Atlantic salmon fisheries is not consistent with the Precautionary Approach framework of a limit reference point, an upper stock reference point, and a maximum removal rate with decreased exploitation rates in the cautious zone. Revisions to the reference points for Atlantic Salmon may have implications to management of Atlantic salmon fisheries in eastern Canada and to management of the salmon fisheries at West Greenland. The province of Quebec has the authority for assessment and management of Atlantic salmon in that province and their contribution to this process is vital to developing a consistent approach for the management of Atlantic Salmon in eastern Canada and internationally.


The objectives of the peer review meeting are as follows:

Expected Publications



CAFSAC. 1991a. Definition of conservation for Atlantic salmon. CAFSAC Adv. Doc. 91/15.

CAFSAC. 1991b. Quantification of conservation for Atlantic salmon. CAFSAC Adv. Doc. 91/16.

Chaput, G., Cass, A., Grant, S., Huang, A.-M., and Veinott, G. 2013. Considerations for defining reference points for semelparous species, with emphasis on anadromous salmonid species including iteroparous salmonids. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2012/146. v + 48 p.

DFO. 2009. A fishery decision-making framework incorporating the Precautionary Approach.

DFO. 2009. Canada's Policy for Conservation of Wild Atlantic Salmon.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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