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Zonal Assessment of Northern, Spotted and Atlantic Wolffish to update and support specific processes with regards to recovery targets, allowable harm and other related aspects of SARA

Zonal Peer Review – Newfoundland & Labrador, Maritimes, Gulf, Quebec, and Central & Arctic Regions

February 26-27 2014
St. John's, NL

Chairperson: Karen Dwyer, Science Branch, NL Region


When the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) designates aquatic species as threatened or endangered, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), as the responsible jurisdiction under the Species at Risk Act (SARA), is required to undertake a number of actions. Many of these actions require scientific information on the current status of the species, population or designatable unit (DU), threats to its survival and recovery, and the feasibility of its recovery. Formulation of this scientific advice has typically been developed through a Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA) that is conducted shortly after the COSEWIC assessment. In the case of Northern Wolffish, Spotted Wolffish and Atlantic Wolffish, these species are already currently listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and a number of the RPA advice issues are either outdated or incomplete.

Therefore, DFO Science has been asked to undertake an assessment to update and support specific processes with regards to recovery targets, allowable harm and other related aspects of SARA which would normally be conducted as part of an RPA. The advice generated via this process will also update and/or consolidate any existing advice regarding Northern Wolffish, Spotted Wolffish and Atlantic Wolffish.


Assess current/recent species/status
  1. Evaluate present status for abundance (i.e., numbers and biomass focusing on matures) and range for each species.
  2. Evaluate recent species trajectory for abundance (i.e., numbers and biomass focusing on matures) and range for each species.
  3. Estimate expected population and distribution targets for recovery, according to DFO guidelines (DFO 2005, DFO 2011) and based on the limit reference points, where available, developed under the Precautionary Approach Framework.
  4. Project expected population trajectories over at least three generations for all populations, and trajectories over time to the recovery target (if possible to achieve), given current population dynamics parameters and associated uncertainties using DFO guidelines on long-term projections (Shelton et al. 2007).
Scope for Management to Facilitate Recovery
  1. Assess the probability that the recovery targets can be achieved under current population dynamics parameters, and how that probability would vary with different mortality (especially lower) parameters.
Allowable Harm Assessment
  1. Using input from all DFO sectors and other sources as appropriate, evaluate maximum human-induced mortality which the species can sustain and not jeopardize survival or recovery of the species.
  2. Using input from all DFO sectors and other sources as appropriate, provide information on the current level of at-sea-observer coverage for commercial fisheries where wolffish are encountered. Is the current observer coverage sufficient to determine levels of harm to wolffish? Also, is the current design of coverage (distribution of coverage over space and time in relation to fishing seasons) effective? Are some areas, seasons and fleets in need of additional coverage, and if so, provide details. In the case of inshore fisheries where there is currently no coverage would coverage be beneficial, and if so, what percentage?
  3. Using input from all DFO sectors and other sources as appropriate, provide advice on the minimum at-sea-observer coverage and design of coverage (e.g., distribution of coverage over space and time in relation to fishing seasons and fleets - stratified random coverage), as well as minimal and optimal information requirements (e.g., lat/long, species, size, condition) required to perform a review and analysis of allowable harm for Wolffish.

Expected Publications



DFO. 2005. A framework for developing science advice on recovery targets for aquatic species in the context of the Species at Risk Act. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2005/054.

DFO. 2011. A Complement to the 2005 Framework for Developing Science Advice on Recovery Targets  the Context of the Species At Risk Act. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2010/061.

Shelton, P.A., B. Best, A. Cass, C. Cyr, D. Duplisea, J. Gibson, M. Hammill, S. Khwaja, M. Koops, K. Martin, B. O’Boyle, J. Rice, A. Sinclair, K. Smedbol, D. Swain, L. Velez-Espino, and C. Wood. 2007. Assessing recovery potential: long-term projections and their implications for socio-economic analysis. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2007/045.


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