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Terms of Reference

Assessment of Potential Impacts of Piscine Reo-virus and HSMI on the West Coast of North America

Regional Science Response Process – Pacific Region

August 19, 2015
Nanaimo, British Columbia

Chairperson: Marilyn Hargreaves


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is responsible for the regulation and management of the aquaculture industry in British Columbia. These responsibilities include licensing the transfer of farmed fish from hatcheries to marine net pens. Transfers of fish into natural waters in British Columbia falls under Section 56 of the Fishery (General) Regulation (F(G)R). Under this regulation, transfers are assessed for potential risks with respect to genetic, ecological and disease impacts into the receiving waters. The British Columbia Introductions and Transfers Committee (ITC) is responsible for reviewing applications and upon recommendation for approval, a licence can be issued.

Transferring fish from land-based freshwater hatcheries to net cages in the marine environment is an integral part of the salmon farming (aquaculture) process. Concerns have been raised regarding the presence of piscine reo-virus (PRV) in farmed fish on the Pacific Coast, and the potential impacts to the health of wild salmonid populations arising from the transfer of hatchery reared fish that carry this virus to marine-based aquaculture facilities.

To support the assessment of applications to transfer fish from hatcheries to net pens, DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management has requested that Science Branch provide formal science advice regarding the potential impacts of transferring PRV positive fish to the marine environment, as part of salmon farming operations, with respect to the development of Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI) or other diseases.  Given the limited timeframe with which Science has been asked to respond to this request, a CSAS Science Response will be developed to address the objectives outlined below.

The assessment, and advice arising from this Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Science Response (SR), will be used to inform the assessment and licencing of applications to transfer fish raised in aquaculture hatchery facilities to the marine environment.


  1. Provide a technical review of data and studies related to the presence of PRV in wild or farmed Pacific Salmon, or farmed Atlantic Salmon, on the west coast of North America.
  2. Provide a technical review of data and studies related to whether the west coast isolates of PRV cause disease in Pacific Salmon, or farmed Atlantic Salmon.
  3. Provide a technical review of evidence related to the presence of HSMI on the west coast of North America.
  4. Evaluate the adequacy of current farm-based and wild monitoring practices to detect the presence of HSMI or other diseases possibly associated with PRV.
  5. Recommend key considerations for future evaluations of risk posed to wild salmon through transfer of PRV positive fish to the marine environment.
  6. Discuss key uncertainties related to data, studies, or evidence that has been reviewed.

Expected Publication



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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