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Terms of Reference

Review of the Environmental Effects Monitoring Program for the Fundy Tidal Energy Project

Regional Science Response Process – Maritimes Region

September 21, 2015
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Lottie Bennett


The Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) Tidal Energy Project, in the Minas Passage of the Bay of Fundy, is a research and development demonstration site for testing tidal power technologies in Nova Scotia.  The facilities consist of four undersea berths for tidal in-stream energy conversion (TISEC) devices, and subsea power cables connected to land-based infrastructure connecting to the local power distribution system.  Monitoring results were reported for the initial deployment of a single TISEC device, or tidal turbine, which was only operational for four weeks in late 2009 after initial deployment.  Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science completed a Special Science Response Process of the initial monitoring report (DFO 2012).  This report concluded that insufficient effects monitoring was completed and recommended that additional studies be completed in the vicinity of the turbine, particularly related to fish behaviour.  FORCE has submitted a second EEM report for the demonstration project, covering the period 2011-2013 with studies focused on collecting baseline information.  Adaptations to FORCE’s EEM program have been made with the advancement of knowledge and technology and consequently, a review of the newly proposed five year EEM plan is required.


The objectives of this Science Response Process are to provide science advice on the following:

  1. To review the results of baseline monitoring studies to date, as described in the environmental effects monitoring (EEM) baseline report, and determine if they are adequate for use as baseline information in support of the proposed EEM plan for monitoring tidal in-stream energy conversion (TISEC) devices to be deployed in the Minas Passage of the Bay of Fundy.  Also, to determine if there are any other baseline studies that should be completed.
  2. To review and advise on whether the proposed EEM plan is appropriately designed to detect effects on valued ecosystem components from TISEC devices to be deployed in the Minas Passage of the Bay of Fundy.  As well as to determine whether there are any EEM components, sampling procedures, techniques or analyses missing from the proposed EEM plan which are necessary to appropriately assess the effects on valued ecosystem components from TISEC devices to be deployed in the Minas Passage of the Bay of Fundy.

Expected Publication



DFO. 2012. Appropriateness of Existing Monitoring Studies for the Fundy Tidal Energy Project and Considerations for Monitoring Commercial Scale Scenarios. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Resp. 2013/013.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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