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Terms of Reference

Review of a Method to Define the Timing and Duration of Spawning Activity for Shubenacadie River Striped Bass

Regional Science Response Process – Maritimes Region

September 21, 2015
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Lottie Bennett


The Alton Natural Gas storage project is to consist of an underground hydrocarbon (i.e., natural gas) storage facility near Alton, Nova Scotia (see: NSDOE 2007). A water intake facility is to draw water from the Shubencadie River estuary for dissolution of subsurface salt bodies located at the project site. The water will be used to dissolve salt from a subsurface salt deposit and be brought back to the surface, creating a subsurface cavern space for natural gas storage. Brine returned to the surface will be stored in a holding pond and subsequently discharged into a mixing channel constructed along the estuary. Controlled release of the salt brine into the estuary will occur via a diffuser pipe in the mixing channel. Advice provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science, through guidance on a method to define timing and duration of an annual window of principle spawning events for Shubenacadie River Striped Bass, including peer-review of the proponent’s analysis of timing and duration for accuracy and gaps, is to be used by the DFO Fisheries Protection Program (FPP) to help guide determination of when the project proponent might suspend brining operations in line with Shubenacadie River Striped Bass spawning events. The advice will be shared by DFO FPP with Nova Scotia Environment and other provincial partners including the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia.


The objective(s) of this Science Response Process are to provide science advice on the following:

Expected Publication



NSE (Nova Scotia Environment). 2007. Alton Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility Environmental Assessment. (Website accessed: September 14, 2015).


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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