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Environment and ecosystems

Aquatic environments, state of the oceans, freshwater research, biodiversity, oil spills, contaminants, and aquatic animal habitat.

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Services and information

Arctic research

Research at the National Centre for Arctic Aquatic Research Excellence.

Ecosystem science

How to make a report, science and research, monitoring, protection programs and projects near water.

Biotechnology and genomics

Regulations, research, animal and ecosystem health, genetic profiling and wild commercial fisheries.

Environmental and biodiversity science

How science supports and informs government decision-making.

Freshwater science

Informing policy, controlling invasive species and partnership information.

Invasive species

How to identify and report aquatic invasive species, early detection, monitoring, control and management.


Research to understand the effects of contaminants on our aquatic ecosystems and species.

Oil spills

Offshore oil, gas and energy research areas, project participants, locations, publications and contacts.

State of Canada’s Oceans

Public reports and technical information on the current state of Canada’s ocean ecosystems.

Circumpolar biodiversity monitoring

Biodiversity monitoring to detect and respond to pressures affecting the arctic ecosystem.

Coastal Environmental Baseline Program

Projects focused on the collection of ecological data to describe the current state of key coastal ecosystems across Canada, in order to support informed decision making.

Fraser River environmental watch

Program information and watch reports.

Understanding the marine environment to better protect whales

Marine mammal protection research and project summaries.

Plankton research

Research and data about krill, phytoplankton and zooplankton.

What we are doing

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