Aquaculture publications
Aquaculture in British Columbia
- As-was-heard report – Open-net pen transition plan: initial engagement process
- Feasibility Study of Closed-Containment Options for the British Columbia Aquaculture Industry - 2010
- Infographic: Federal/provincial authorizations for land-based aquaculture facilities in B.C.
- Infographic: How DFO inspects fish health at BC aquaculture sites
- Infographic: How farmed Pacific shellfish products are traced
- Infographic: How wild Pacific shellfish products are traced
- Infographic: Incidental catch at BC aquaculture facilities
- Infographic: Introductions and transfers of live fish in BC
- Infographic: Monitoring fish health from hatchery to harvest
- Infographic: Monitoring benthic impacts at BC aquaculture sites
- Infographic: Requirements for shellfish aquaculture movement records in BC
- Infographic: Requirements for shellfish aquaculture tags in BC
- Carcass classification of cultured salmon at BC aquaculture sites by fish health zone - 2018
- Regulating and monitoring British Columbia’s shellfish aquaculture facilities
- Regulating and monitoring British Columbia’s marine finfish aquaculture facilities
- Sea lice management at BC salmon farms
- State of Salmon Aquaculture Technologies - 2019
- Wild fish predation project
Indigenous and Multi-stakeholder Advisory Body (IMAB) Technical working group reports
- Summary of the Indigenous and Multi-stakeholder Advisory Body (IMAB) on Aquaculture
- Salmonid alternative production technologies technical working group report and recommendations
- Marine finfish and land-based fish health technical working group
- Proposal from the area-based management technical working group
Other publications
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