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Canso Ledges-Sugar Harbour Islands

Canso Ledges-Sugar Harbour Islands is proposed as a Tier 1 site for the Marine Conservation Network in the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy Bioregion.

The lead agency for this site is Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

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Canso Ledges-Sugar Harbour Islands includes the waters around the Canso Peninsula, from Sugar Harbour Islands south of the peninsula to Fox Bay on the northern portion of the peninsula. It also extends into Chedabucto Bay.

Map of proposed Canso Ledges-Sugar Harbour Islands network site

Map of proposed Canso Ledges-Sugar Harbour Islands network site

Simplified site coordinates

Boundaries are preliminary and subject to change following the public engagement.

Point Latitude Longitude Description
1 45°20' 55.3" N 61°7' 32.7" W Starting at point 1 on the coastline near Fox Bay
2 45°23' 22.1" N 61°8' 18.6" W Connect to point 2, north of point 1
3 45°23' 43.8" N 61°7' 57.1" W Connect to point 3, northeast of point 2
4 45°24' 36.1" N 61°5' 15.9" W Connect to point 4, northeast of point 3
5 45°24' 35.1" N 61°4' 50.3" W Connect to point 5, east of point 4
6 45°22' 53.1" N 60°58' 20.1" W Connect to point 6, southeast of point 5
7 45°22' 48.6" N 60°46' 22.0" W Connect to point 7, east of point 6
8 45°21' 14.1" N 60°44' 20.2" W Connect to point 8, southeast of point 7
9 45°18' 47.6" N 60°44' 41.3" W Connect to point 9, south of point 8
10 45°17' 25.6" N 60°45' 52.2" W Connect to point 10, southwest of point 9
11 45°10' 13.2" N 61°2' 1.1" W Connect to point 11, southwest of point 10
12 45°9' 51.7" N 61°4' 58.6" W Connect to point 12, west of point 11
13 45°9' 32.6" N 61°11' 23.1" W Connect to point 13, west of point 12
14 45°9' 31.6" N 61°13' 24.6" W Connect to point 14, west of point 13
15 45°9' 56.2" N 61°14' 24.7" W Connect to point 15, northwest of point 14
16 45°10' 2.0" N 61°15' 18.1" W Connect to point 16, west of point 15
17 45°10' 30.4" N 61°16' 2.4" W Connect to point 17, northwest of point 16
18 45°10' 58.2" N 61°16' 33.9" W Connect to point 18, northwest of point 17
19 45°11' 42.9" N 61°16' 59.2" W Connect to point 19, northwest of point 18
20 45°11' 47.6" N 61°17' 16.4" W Connect to point 20, west of point 19
21 45°12' 35.4" N 61°17' 32.2" W Connect to point 21, north of point 20
22 45°13' 19.8" N 61°16' 57.2" W Connect to point 22, northeast of point 21
23 45°13' 26.8" N 61°16' 38.0" W Connect to point 23, northeast of point 22
24 45°13' 26.1" N 61°16' 14.0" W Connect to point 24, east of point 23
25 45°13' 40.1" N 61°15' 46.2" W Connect to point 25, northeast of point 24
26 45°14' 13.5" N 61°13' 44.0" W Connect to point 26, northeast of point 25
27 45°14' 16.2" N 61°13' 0.3" W Connect to point 27, northeast of point 26
28 45°14' 8.6" N 61°12' 51.5" W Connect to point 28, southeast of point 27
29 45°13' 39.2" N 61°12' 48.9" W Connect to point 29, south of point 28
30 45°12' 31.2" N 61°11' 51.4" W Connect to point 30, southeast of point 29
31 45°12' 26.0" N 61°11' 17.7" W Connect to point 31, east of point 30
32 45°12' 35.4" N 61°9' 46.5" W Connect to point 32, east of point 31
33 45°12' 37.4" N 61°9' 40.5" W Follow along three top Island coastline southeast to point 33
34 45°12' 49.7" N 61°9' 15.5" W Connect to point 34 on the mainland coastline near Spry point, northeast of point 33 and follow the mainland coastline east to connect point 34 to point 1


524 km2



This area supports species, including:


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