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Cold Seeps

Cold Seeps is proposed as a Tier 2 site for the Marine Conservation Network in the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy Bioregion.

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Cold Seeps is located in the deep waters (about 4,000 m depth) of Canada's offshore, approximately 1,000 km east of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Map of proposed Cold Seeps network site

Map of proposed Cold Seeps network site

Simplified site coordinates

Boundaries are preliminary and subject to change following the public engagement.

Point Latitude Longitude Description
1 43°9' 44.1" N 55°28' 39.8" W Starting at point 1 in the southeast corner of the site
2 43°9' 25.3" N 55°52' 7.0" W Connect to point 2 in the southwest corner
3 43°43' 12.8" N 55°53' 3.4" W Connect to point 2 in the northwest corner
4 43°43' 30.8" N 55°29' 23.0" W Connect to point 4  in the northeast corner and connect point 4 to point 1


1,990 km2



Historic surveys and similar seep communities around the world suggest the area supports species, including:


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