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St. Mary’s (Napu’saqnuk) River and Estuary

St. Mary’s River (Napu’saqnuk) and estuary is proposed as a Tier 1 site for the Marine Conservation Network in the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy Bioregion.

The lead agency for this site is Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

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The Napu’saqnuk is located about 200 km from Kjipuktuk (Halifax). The watershed and estuary are in the Eskikewa’kik district of Mi'kma'ki.

The proposed site includes the river, other wetted areas and potentially riparian zones on Crown Land. It does not include the entire watershed area.

Map of proposed St. Mary’s River (Napu’saqnuk) and Estuary network site

Map of proposed St. Mary’s River (Napu’saqnuk) and Estuary network site

Simplified site coordinates

Boundaries are preliminary and subject to change following the public engagement.

Point Latitude Longitude Description
1 45°8' 36.193" N 61°58' 59.247" W Starting at point 1 on the river edge by the bridge
2 45°2' 11.601" N 61°51' 12.823" W Connect to point 2, northeast of point 1
3 45°1' 39.996" N 61°53' 1.367" W Follow along the river edge, southwest of point 2 to point 3 on the coastline
4 45°1' 40.279" N 61°53' 3.019" W Connect to point 4, southwest of point 3
5 45°8' 37.799" N 61°59' 2.174" W Connect to point 5 on the coastline, west of point 4 and follow the river’s edge to connect point 5 and point 1


About 160 km2 of water could be protected, including 10.94 km2 of the estuary.




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