Step 2: Historical review
- 1: Site identification
- 2: Historical review
- 3: Initial testing program
- 4: Initial site classification
- 5: Detailed testing program
- 6: Site reclassification
- 7: Develop remediation/risk management strategy
- 8: Implement remediation/risk management strategy
- 9: Confirmatory sampling
- 10: Long term monitoring
For the historical review, gather all the historical and current information related to the site. Completion of this step should result in the identification of the areas of potential environmental concern and associated uncertainties to inform subsequent investigations. Once the review is complete, initial testing can begin (Step 3).
How to prepare
- gather historical information from a variety of sources, including:
- reports
- aerial photographs
- insurance maps and reports
- property title searches
- federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal archives
- regulatory agency records
- company records
- topographic and geological maps
- site plans and drawings
- identify fisheries in the area
- characterize fish habitat and the aquatic ecosystem on or near the site
What to do
- conduct a site visit(s)
- interview informed persons - discussions should be held with key site personnel at both the subject site and surrounding lands
- conduct a Phase I environmental site assessment
How Fisheries and Oceans Canada Expert Support helps
- provide fish, fish habitat, aquatic ecosystem and fisheries background information at or near the site, if available
- with respect to fish and fish habitat:
- identify information gaps
- provide advice on information gathering (e.g. identify/provide relevant historical documents)
- provide information on regulatory frameworks applicable to aquatic sites
- review the Phase I ESA and provide advice
- participate in site visit activities
- provide assistance in applying the Framework for Addressing and Managing Aquatic Contaminated Sites under the FCSAP
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