Step 5: Detailed testing program
- 1: Site identification
- 2: Historical review
- 3: Initial testing program
- 4: Initial site classification
- 5: Detailed testing program
- 6: Site reclassification
- 7: Develop remediation/risk management strategy
- 8: Implement remediation/risk management strategy
- 9: Confirmatory sampling
- 10: Long term monitoring
The objective of the detailed testing program is to build on Step 4 by further defining the nature of the site contamination and to address outstanding issues in the development of an effective site management strategy. The intent of this step is to reduce uncertainties.
How to prepare
- collect a targeted, more comprehensive group of samples (including biological testing) than during the initial testing (Step 3) in order to identify areas of higher risk and delineate the boundaries of identified contamination
- sampling plans should consider the data requirements of an ecological risk assessment (ERA) and future monitoring plans
What to do
- if an aquatic component to the site has been identified, apply the Framework for Addressing and Managing Aquatic Contaminated Sites under the FCSAP
- delineate the quantity and severity of contamination on-site
- review and refine the conceptual site model as more site data becomes available
- update the list of contaminants of potential concern and identify the contaminants of concern
- define, in greater detail site conditions required to identify all contaminant pathways (including aquatic pathways), particularly with respect to risk assessment
- provide the necessary information required to develop a remedial action plan (RAP) (Step 7) and provide input to specifications and tender documents
- if necessary, use computer modeling to establish contaminant distributions and/or migration patterns
- complete environmental site assessments (ESAs): Phase I, II or III if not already completed
How Fisheries and Oceans Canada Expert Support helps
- assist with determining the level of impact to fish and fish habitat (e.g., contaminants related or physical impacts to fish habitat and aquatic ecosystem sustainability)
- provide advice on physical processes (e.g. erosion/deposition, susceptibility to tides/currents/floods) that could affect fish, fish habitat and aquatic ecosystem sustainability
- review documents [e.g., draft environmental site assessments (ESAs)] with respect to potential risk to fish, fish habitat and the aquatic ecosystem
- provide advice to custodians on the development of terms of reference for contracts to prevent or mitigate potential impacts to fish and fish habitat associated with testing or risk management/remediation programs
- review the sampling plan to ensure data collected will accurately represent the site and assess risks to fish and fish habitat
- participate in site visit activities
- assist with the identification of aquatic receptors and pathways to focus on during the assessment
- provide assistance in applying the Framework for Addressing and Managing Aquatic Contaminated Sites under the FCSAP
- provide advice on compliance requirements under the Fisheries Act, SARA and other DFO-related legislation
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