Temperature, salinity and current report from a sea station
Code Form:
Section 1 | MiMiMjMj | YYMMJ | GGgg/ | QcLaLaLaLaLa | LoLoLoLoLoLo | - |
Section 1 | (iuddff) | (4snTTT) | - | - | - | - |
Section 2 | 888k1k2 | IXIXIXXRXR | 2z0z0z0z0 | 3T0T0T0T0 | 4S0S0S0S0 | - |
Section 2 | - | - | 2z1z1z1z1 | 3T1T1T1T1 | 4S1S1S1S1 | - |
Section 2 | - | - | 2znznznzn | 3TnTnTnTn | 4SnSnSnSn | (00000) |
Section 3 | (66k6k4k3 | 2z0z0z0z0 | d0d0c0c0c0 | - | - | - |
Section 3 | - | 2z1z1z1z1 | d1d1c1c1c1 | - | - | - |
Section 3 | - | 2znznznzn | dndncncncn) | - | - | - |
Section 4 | (55555 | 1ZdZdZdZd) | - | - | - | - |
Section 5 | D....D or 99999 | A1bwnbnbnb | - | - | - | - |
- TESAC is the name of the code for reporting observations of temperature, salinity and current from a sea station.
- A TESAC report or a bulletin of TESAC reports is identified by MiMiMjMj = KKYY.
- The code form is divided into five sections:
Section Number | Symbolic figure group | Contents |
1 | - | Identification and position data. Wind and air temperature (optional). |
2 | 888 | Temperatures and salinities at either significant or selected depths. |
3 | 66 | Current at selected and/or significant depths (optional). |
4 | 55555 | Total water depth (optional). |
5 | - or 99999 | Ship's call sign or station identification group A1bwnbnbnb |
64.1 | The code name TESAC shall not be included in the report. |
64.2 | Section 1 |
64.2.1 | Each individuual TESAC report, even if included in a bulletin of such reports, shall contain as the first group the identification group MiMiMjMj. |
64.2.2 | Positions shall be reported in tenths, hundredths or thousandths of a degree, depending on the capability of the positioning system. When the position is in tenths of a degree, the groups shall be encoded as QcLaLaLa// LoLoLoLo//. When the position is in hundredths of a degree, the groups shall be encoded as QcLaLaLaLa/ LoLoLoLoLo/ |
64.2.3 | For the reporting of the value of the direction and speed of the wind, regulations for FM 13 SHIP shall apply. |
N0TE: The unit of wind speed is indicated by iu (Code table 1853) | |
64.3 | Section 2 |
64.3.1 | Group IXIXIXXRXR is mandatory and shall follow immediately after the 888k1k2 group. |
64.3.2 | If temperatures are reported at significant depths, the values shall: |
(a) Be sufficient to reproduce basic features of the temperature and salinity profile; | |
(b) Define the top and the bottom of isothermal/isohaline layers; | |
(c) In the upper 500 metres, never be more and usually less than 20 in number, even at the cost of loss of detail. | |
64.3.3 | Both temperature and salinity shall be reported for each significant depth selected. The criteria for selecting a significant depth may be based on the characteristics of the temperature profile or the characteristics of the salinity profile. When the measurement of one of the elements at any particular depth is not available, the corresponding group shall be omitted from the report. |
64.3.4 | The group 00000 shall be included only when the temperature (salinity) at the lowest depth of the sounding, which is (are) reported in the last groups of the section, is (are) actually the bottom layer temperature (salinity). |
64.4 | Section 3 |
64.4.1 | The inclusion of this section shall be determined by national decision. |
64.5 | Section 4 |
64.5.1 | The inclusion of this section shall be determined by national decision. |
64.5.2 | This section shall be omitted when group 00000 is included in Section 2. |
64.6 | Section 5 |
64.6.1 |
The ship's call sign D .... D, or identifier group 99999 together with the station identification group A1bwnbnbnb if not already included in the report, shall be added by the coastal radio station receiving the report, or the national collecting centre when preparing the report for inclusion in bulletins, as appropriate and required. Notes:
Symbolic Letters:
- A1
- WMO regional association area in which buoy, drilling rig or oil- or gas-production platform has been deployed (1 = Region I; 2 = Region II, etc.) (code table 0161).
- bw
- Subarea belonging to the area indicated by A1 (code table 0161).
- c0c0c0c1c1c1...cncncn
- Speed of the current, in centimeters per second, at selected and/or significant depths starting with the sea surface.
- D....D
- Ships's call sign consisting of 3 or more alphanumeric characters.
- dd
- True direction, in tens of degrees, from which wind is blowing (or will blow) (code table 0877; stations within 1 degree of the North pole use code table 0878)
- d0d0d1d1...ndn
- True direction, in tens of degrees, towards which sea current at selected and/or significant depths starting with the sea surface is moving (code table 0877).
- ff
- Wind speed in units indicated by iu
- GGgg
- Time of observation, in hours and minutes (UTC). This is the actual time of launching the bathythermograph.
- iu
- Indicator of units of wind speed and type of instrumentation (code table 1853)
- Instrument type used for the observation (code table 1770).
- J
- Units digit of the year (UTC), i.e. J = 4 for 1994.
- k1
- Indicator for digitization (code table 2262).
- k2
- Method of salinity/depth measurement (code table 2263).
- k3
- Duration and time of current measurement (vector or Doppler current profiling method) (code table 2264).
- k4
- Period of current measurement (drift method) (code table 2265).
- k6
- Method of removing the velocity and motion of the ship or buoy from current measurement (code table 2267).
- LaLaLaLaLa
- Latitude in decimal degrees. When the latitude is in tenths of a degree, it shall be encoded as LaLaLa//. When the latitude is in hundredths of a degree, it shall be encoded as LaLaLaLa/
- LoLoLoLoLoLo
- Longitude in decimal degrees. When the longitude is in tenths of a degree, it shall be encoded as LoLoLoLo//. When the longitude is in hundredths of a degree, it shall be encoded as LoLoLoLoLo/
- MM
- Month of the year (UTC), i.e. 01 = January; 02 = February, etc.
- MiMi
- Identification letters of the report (code table 2582)
- MjMj
- Identification letters of the part of the report or the version of the code form (code table 2582)
- nbnbnb
- Type and serial number of buoy.
- Qc
- Quadrant of the globe (code table 3333)
- S0S0S0S0S1S1S1S1...SnSnSnSn
- Salinity, in hundredths of a PSU (Practical Salinity Units), at either significant or selected depths starting with the sea surface.
- sn
- Sign of the data and relative humidity indicator (code table 3845)
- Air temperature, in tenths of a degree Celsius, its sign being given by sn
- T0T0T0T0T1T1T1T1...TnTnTnTn
- Temperatures, in hundredths of a degree Celsius, at either significant or selected depths starting with the sea surface. For negative temperatures, 5000 shall be added to the absolute value of the temperature in hundredths of a degree Celsius.
- Recorder type (code table 4770).
- YY
- Day of the month (UTC), with 01 indicating the first day, 02 the second day, etc., on which the actual time of the observation falls.
- ZdZdZdZd
- Total water depth, in meters.
- z0z0z0z0z1z1z1z1...znznznzn
- Selected and/or significant depths, in meters, starting with the surface
- ///…
- Missing data. The number of solidi depends on the number of symbolic letters for which no data can be reported.
- Date modified: