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Application form 2023


The plain text form on this page is for information purposes only. To access the form, download the following Word document (DOCX).

This form must be used by organizations to apply for funding support from one of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Science contribution funding priority areas. The information provided in the application must comply with all the conditions that are provided on our project application guide webpage. All sections of this application form must be completed.

Questions regarding this application may be addressed to

1. Organization information
1. Organization information

Select one:

If the organization had previously received funding from 1 or more DFO Science contribution funding programs for another project or initiative, indicate the amount received, the name of the project and fiscal year(s) for which the funding was received.

2. DFO contribution funding priority area
2. DFO contribution funding priority area
3. Project team
3. Project team
3.3 Measuring expected results
Indicator Will this indicator apply to this project? Numerical target, if applicable
number of partners engaged and involved in the project (the Recipient and DFO must not be counted as partners)
number of Indigenous people engaged in learning activities
number of non-Indigenous people engaged in learning activities
number of Indigenous people employed
number of non-Indigenous people employed
4. The project
4. The project

4.2 Project start and end dates

Identify the principal province/territory where the project activities will take place.

Select the principal program inventory relevant to the proposal (only 1 program inventory should be selected) among those listed below.

Aquatic ecosystems
Marine navigation

4.12 Project data management

4.13 Project-related vessel requirement

If yes, you should immediately communicate with DFO’s Ecosystems and Oceans Science (EOS) Grants & Contributions Secretariat

 ( to discuss your requirement.
5. Project-related financial information
5. Project-related financial information

Complete the budget template (excel file provided). Refer to the Project Application Guide on our website.


  1. The fiscal year of the Canadian Federal Government is April 1 to March 31 of the following year
  2. In the budget excel file, complete Tab 1 - Budget details and Tab 2 - Source of Funds.
6. Supporting documents
6. Supporting documents

You may submit supporting documents (e.g. letters of support, etc.) with the application if you wish.

7. Confirmation
7. Confirmation

Completed by: [name of person that completed the application] on [date the application was completed]

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