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DFO Science stories

Learn more about the fascinating aquatic science being advanced at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) from coast to coast to coast

Fin whale breaching. Credit: Lucy Quayle.
Fin whale breaching. Credit: Lucy Quayle.

Mysteries of Ocean Music: Deciphering whale sounds with the help of AI to better understand underwater ecosystems
Across the vast darkness of the ocean, what we can hear may be much more important than what we can see.

Learn more about the science of deciphering whale sounds.

Photo credit: Shutterstock
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Cruising in Comfort: Ship safety supported by science and technology
Science is at the heart of everything we do! The simple act of a cruise ship passing safely under a bridge can require a significant amount of specialized scientific and technical knowledge.

Learn more about how the Canadian Hydrographic Service’s water levels data is supporting both marine passenger safety and economic activity.

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