Review of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures for St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga
Table of Contents
- Complete Text
- 1. Context/Background
- 2. Objective of this review
- 3. Sources of information
- 4. Methods for assessing effectiveness of recovery measures
- 5. Review of Recovery Measures
- 6. Effectiveness of recovery measures and recommended changes or additions
- 6.1 Overall Assessment of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures
- 6.2 Effectiveness of threat-based recovery measures, and recommended improvements
- 6.2.1 Recovery measures associated with objective 1. Reduce contaminants in beluga, their prey, and their habitat
- 6.2.2 Recovery measures associated with objective 2. Reduce anthropogenic disturbances
- 6.2.3 Recovery measures associated with objective 3. Ensure adequate and accessible food supplies
- 6.2.4 Recovery measures associated with objective 4. Mitigate the effects of other threats to population recovery
- 6.2.5 Recovery measures associated with objective 5. Protect the beluga's habitat in its entire distribution range
- 6.2.6 Recovery objective 6. Ensure regular monitoring of the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population
- 7. Conclusions
- 8. Acknowledgements
- 9. Literature Cited
- Appendix 1
1. Context/Background
In November 2016, Canada's Oceans Protection Plan (OPP) was announced, which outlined several new initiatives aimed at addressing the threats to marine mammals in Canadian waters, including the key threats of contaminants, prey availability, and underwater noise. Under the OPP, the Government of Canada will also take action to address the cumulative effects of shipping on marine mammals, and work with partners to implement a real-time whale detection system to alert mariners of the presence of whales. As part of OPP, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) was tasked with launching a science-based review of the effectiveness of the current management and recovery actions for three at-risk whale populations in Canada: the Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orcinus orca), the North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis), and the St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas). The review seeks to identify areas for immediate improvement in recovery efforts, and priorities for new or enhanced actions. DFO adopted a phased approach for this review. This document represents the first phase in that process, and is focused on the St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) beluga population.
Up until recently the St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) beluga was considered to be a Threatened population by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) (COSEWIC 2004), and is currently listed as such under SARA. Population size was estimated at around 1,100 individuals at the time the Recovery Strategy was posted in 2012 (DFO 2012). However, an abnormally elevated number of newborn beluga (calves) reported dead in 2012 triggered a full review of population status, including threats (DFO 2014). This review indicated that the population was stable or increasing at a slow rate (0.13% per year) until the early 2000s, but then declined at a rate of approximately 1% per year, to an estimated 900 individuals in 2012 (Mosnier et al. 2015). Based on the information from the recent review (DFO 2014) on population size and trends, population dynamics, and threats, the COSEWIC reclassified the population as Endangered in 2014 (COSEWIC 2014), a status that is in the process of being echoed under SARA.
2. Objective of this review
This document presents the recovery measures that have been developed as part of the Recovery Strategy for the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), St. Lawrence Estuary population in Canada (hereafter referred to as the "Recovery Strategy") (DFO 2012), identifies those that have been implemented (or not yet implemented) to support the conservation and protection of the population throughout its range, and assesses their overall effectiveness for achieving population recovery. This document provides a review from a scientific perspective only, and considers the effectiveness of recovery measures in terms of their ability to reduce threats that have been identified and associated with the endangered status of the population. This review also aims to identify how recovery objectives can be better achieved by accelerating implementation of recovery measures already identified but not underway, by identifying possible new measures, and by providing guidance on the relative priority that needs to be given to each of these measures to promote recovery.
3. Sources of information
The Recovery Strategy for SLE beluga was published in 2012 (DFO 2012). The Recovery Strategy outlines the interim recovery goal for the species, recovery objectives, broad strategies, and recovery measures that should be implemented to achieve recovery, as well as performance indicators to define and measure progress toward achieving the population and distribution objectives. In addition to this SARA recovery document, an Action Plan to address noise issues in the St. Lawrence Estuary, which is under development and is to be posted in 2017, was also consulted for the development of this review. Other sources of information used include primarily scientific primary literature, and reports from DFO and other departments or agencies of the Government of Canada.
4. Methods for assessing effectiveness of recovery measures
Ideally, the effectiveness of recovery measures would be assessed in relative terms, by comparing the degree of threat abatement with the amount of population recovery. In the absence of such precise information for SLE beluga and causation of the lack of recovery, assessing the effectiveness of recovery measures is to be understood in the context of this review as examining the degree to which measures currently underway as well as those proposed in the existing recovery document have, or will, contribute to abating threats to SLE beluga. Specifically, 11 threats to SLE beluga recovery were identified and characterized in the Recovery Strategy, 10 of which were still current (Table 1). For the purposes of this review, such reductions in threats are presumed to contribute to the achievement of recovery objectives for the population.
Achievements associated with recovery measures were compiled in Table 2, using a reference point corresponding to the year of the SLE beluga SARA listing (i.e., 2005). However, trends in level of threats were examined over longer time periods in some cases given that actions to reduce threats have been undertaken well before 2005 in some cases, either as a result of recommendations from the first recovery plan for SLE beluga posted in 1995 (Bailey and Zinger 1995), or because of concerns for human health. An example of a measure addressing a threat to SLE beluga (contaminants) but undertaken as a result of concerns for human health is the implementation of regulations to control or reduce discharges of highly toxic chemical compounds.
It is noteworthy that the recovery objectives included in the recovery document, were developed at a time when the understanding of the Act was different than it is today. As a result, the recovery document did not take into consideration the 2016-tri-departmental Policy on Survival and Recovery that is posted as proposed on the Species at Risk public registry; therefore, neither does this review.
5. Review of Recovery Measures
5.1 Recovery Objectives
At the time of SARA listing, recovery of the SLE beluga population was deemed feasible (Hammill et al. 2007; DFO 2012). Currently, the ultimate recovery goal is to:
Increase population size to 7,070 individuals, or 70 % of the population historical size, to maintain a minimum population growth rate of 2%, and to reach a distribution corresponding to 70% of its historical extent.
Above 1,000 mature individuals, the population would be considered to have achieved a sufficiently large population size to maintain genetic diversity. At a growth rate of 4% (considered a default value for cetaceans), the long-term population objective was projected to be reached by 2050s. However, at the time the Recovery Strategy was published in 2012, the population was thought to be increasing only at a maximum rate of 1%, which extended the projected achievement of the long-term population objective to 2100.
There were six recovery objectives identified in the SLE beluga Recovery Strategy to reach population and distribution objectives, four of which directly address threats to the population. Two further objectives contain approaches that could contribute to address the first four objectives or that help tracking population status, threats and effectiveness of recovery measures. The objectives identified in the Recovery Strategy are:
- reduce contaminants in beluga, their prey, and their habitat;
- reduce anthropogenic disturbances;
- ensure adequate and accessible food supplies;
- mitigate the effects of other threats to population recovery;
- protect the beluga habitat in its entire distribution range; and
- ensure regular monitoring of the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population.
5.2 Threats
According to the latest COSEWIC status report (2014) and Recovery Strategy (2012), the SLE beluga population has been massively depleted by hunting, which was banned in 1979, and is currently being threatened mainly by:
- industrialization and pollution, which may be responsible for the high rates of chronic diseases such as cancer observed in stranded animals;
- habitat loss and disturbance, especially anthropogenic noise caused by marine navigation and whale-watching activities; and
- competition for food resources with commercial fishermen and increasing populations of certain marine mammals, including some seal species.
- the low genetic diversity (consanguinity) due to small population size, which may affect the reproductive rate.
Among the threats identified in the Recovery Strategy, the following threats represented those of highest concern for the population recovery: high contamination of beluga, their prey and habitat; noise and disturbance associated with marine development projects, shipping and whale-watching activities; reduction in the abundance, quality and availability of prey; and other habitat degradation (e.g., from construction of docks, marinas, and hydroelectric dams, expanding tourism industry, dredging operations, introduction of exotic species). These threats are further detailed in the sections below and will be assessed for changes since the 2005 baseline, to provide an indication of the collective effectiveness of recovery measures aimed at abating them.
The threat due to low genetic diversity (consanguinity), which is a result of small population size, is not addressed further in this report.
Table 1. Threats to the recovery of SLE beluga as identified in the 2012 Recovery Strategy. The level of concern has been attributed by the Recovery Team; however, the definition corresponding to each level of concern was not provided in the Recovery Strategy.
Threat | Source of threat (non-exhaustive list) | Level of concern |
Contaminants | Industry, municipalities, agriculture | High |
Anthropogenic disturbances | Whale-watching, shipping, recreational activities | High |
Other habitat degradation | Construction activities, hydroelectric dams, introduction of exotic species, dredging | High |
Reduction in the abundance, quality, and availability of prey | Climate variability, fisheries | High |
Harmful algal blooms | Industry, municipalities, agriculture via input of nitrogen | Medium |
Entanglement in fishing gear | Fisheries | Medium |
Vessel strikes | Small (and fast) crafts | Medium |
Toxic spills | Ships, port and marinas, industry | Medium |
Epizootic diseases | Exotic species, other species (marine or terrestrial) in ecosystems | Medium |
Scientific activities | Research vessels and aircrafts | Low |
Global warming was not considered as a threat to SLE beluga per se in the Recovery Strategy, although it is foreseen to increase mean water temperatures and to reduce sea ice extent and duration in the SLE beluga habitat. Sea ice may affect prey biomass and timing of spawning (e.g., Buren et al. 2014). For an Arctic species like the beluga, it might be expected that effects from a reduction in sea ice extent and increase in water temperature will be negative (Williams et al. in press).
5.3 Review of Recovery Measures
To address these threats, a series of broad strategies, each associated with a set of recovery measures, were proposed and prioritized for actions as part of the Recovery Strategy. Table 2 below is based on that.
Table 2. Recovery measures currently identified for the SLE beluga in the Recovery Strategy (DFO 2012) and achievements made since SARA listing in 2005. Priority refers to the priority currently assigned to the recovery measures in the Recovery Strategy. Status of the recovery measure is qualified as either ‘Completed’: the recovery measure, as currently written and in its entirety, describes an activity or task that was completed at a certain time in the past; ‘Completed but ongoing’: the recovery measure describes an activity or a task that needs to reoccur at some regular interval or that takes place on a continuum, and likely never has an end date; ‘Partially completed’: the recovery measure, as currently written and in its entirety, contains multiple elements, some of which have been completed and others that have not; ‘Not yet initiated’: a situation where, to our knowledge, no actions have been undertaken; ‘Unknown’: a situation where effort was made to find information on the status of the recovery measure but no information was found in the timeframe of this review.
Objective 1. Reduce contaminants in beluga, their prey, and their habitat that could prevent population recovery
Broad Strategy | Recovery Measures | Priority | Achievement contributors | Status of recovery measure | Achievements since SARA listing (2005) |
Study the effects of contaminants on beluga, their key prey species, and sentinel species |
Study the effects of contaminants on survival, health, reproduction, and growth | Critical | DFO, Academia | Partially completed |
Evaluate the risks of impacts from different contaminant groups on beluga and the factors influencing these risks | Critical | Unknown |
Develop new regulations or fully apply existing regulations to control the discharge of toxic pollutants into the environment, especially new contaminants |
Improve Canadian and Quebec regulations to reduce toxic chemical discharges into the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Basin, particularly by reviewing or setting toxicity thresholds for pollutants | Critical | ECCC | Partially Completed |
Develop mechanisms to monitor the impacts of regulation | Critical | DFO, Academia, ECCC, Health Canada (HC) | Partially Completed |
Reduce the number and scope of accidental and illegal discharges of pollutants | Critical | ECCC | Partially completed |
Reduce emissions and discharges of all types of pollutants at the source | Reduce discharges of pollutants from waste storage sites, landfills, sewage (wastewater) treatment plants, industries, etc. | Critical | ECCC, provinces, municipalities | Partially completed |
Monitor contaminant sources and concentrations in the tissues of beluga and their key prey species |
Identify the main sources of contamination, and determine how contaminants spread through the beluga population and its environment, and how beluga and their prey get exposed to different contaminant groups | Necessary | DFO | Partially Completed |
Study the movement and spread of contaminants in the tissues of beluga, key prey species, and sentinel species, particularly emerging contaminants, and publish results. | Necessary | Unknown |
Continue cleanup of contaminated terrestrial and aquatic sites in the Great Lakes– St. Lawrence Basin |
Identify priority contaminated sites and use environment-friendly decontamination techniques to clean up identified sites | Necessary | ECCC, DFO | Partially completed |
Continue coordinating pollution reduction efforts, in collaboration with the International Joint Commission. |
Initiate actions with Quebec, Ontario, and the United States to coordinate efforts to reduce pollution in the Great Lakes and the entire St. Lawrence River basin | Necessary | ECCC | Completed but ongoing |
Objective 2. Reduce anthropogenic disturbances
Broad Strategy | Recovery Measures | Priority | Achievement contributors | Status of recovery measure | Achievements since SARA listing (2005) |
Determine the short- and long-term effects of chronic and acute forms of disturbance | Carry out impact studies of disturbances created by marine traffic, whale-watching activities, aircraft, and development projects in- and off-shore in areas used by beluga | Critical | DFO, Academia | Partially completed |
Based on disturbance impact studies, determine management measures to reduce disturbance | Critical | Parks Canada (PC), DFO | Partially Completed |
Study the impacts of noise pollution on beluga |
Identify main noise sources at the various frequencies, monitor beluga exposure, and study the impacts of noise on the beluga's health and behaviour | Critical | DFO, Academia | Partially Completed |
Based on noise impact studies, determine management measures to reduce noise pollution | Critical | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Reduce anthropogenic disturbances in high-use areas | Reduce anthropogenic noise in the St. Lawrence Estuary (construction, navigation, gas exploration, etc.) | Critical | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Implement protection measures in problematic marine traffic corridors | Critical | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Reduce the number of incidents (e.g., direct approaches, harassment). | Critical | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Develop best practice guidelines for when beluga are unexpectedly encountered | Critical | DFO, PC | Completed |
Protect beluga against anthropogenic disturbances throughout their entire distribution area. |
Review, adopt, and enforce the Marine Mammals Regulations as well as the Marine Activities in the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations to better protect beluga from disturbance, particularly by enforcing a 400 m "no boat" zone around beluga throughout the area |
Necessary | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Improve whale-watching monitoring patrols during the tourist season in the SSLMP and elsewhere in the Estuary | Necessary | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Implement the education strategy for species at risk developed by the SSLMP and extend it to cover the entire beluga distribution range. | Identify target groups for awareness campaigns, and develop and implement a communications strategy |
Necessary | DFO, PC | Completed but ongoing |
Improve training for captains, kayaking guides, and nature guides in order to reduce disturbances, and make training mandatory | Necessary | DFO, PC | Completed but ongoing |
Publicize conservation actions and provide educational activities to local residents. | Necessary | DFO, PC | Completed but ongoing |
Set up a recognition program for sea excursion companies that adopt best practices | Necessary | PC, DFO | Completed but ongoing |
Define specific best practice guidelines for each type of user navigating the St. Lawrence Estuary | Necessary | DFO, PC | Completed |
Improve the decision-making process for granting research permits and permits for other activities requiring approaches within 400 m. |
Establish the rules and a decision-making committee, and set up a single-window system, in collaboration with all the responsible authorities, to evaluate the relevance, methods, and issuance of permits for projects involving beluga or their critical habitat | Necessary | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Objective 3. Ensure adequate and accessible food supplies
Broad Strategy | Recovery Measures | Priority | Achievement contributors | Status of recovery measure | Achievements since SARA listing (2005) |
Protect spawning and rearing sites and migration corridors of key prey species | Strengthen measures to protect important sites for key prey species | Critical | DFO, Provincial Gov. | Partially Completed |
Prohibit trawl nets from the Upper St. Lawrence Estuary and the Saguenay River | Critical | DFO, PC, Provincial Gov. | Partially Completed |
Maintain the moratorium on forage species | Critical | DFO | Not Completed |
Continue research on the diet and feeding habits of beluga | Study diet habits and feeding strategies | Necessary | DFO, Academia | Partially Completed |
Study prey availability and factors that influence their quantity and quality | Necessary | DFO, Academia | Partially Completed |
Based on studies of prey availability, determine management measures to protect the beluga's food resources | Necessary | DFO, PC, Provincial Gov. | Partially Completed |
Prevent new fisheries with the potential to significantly impact beluga and their prey |
Consider the beluga's food requirements when assessing new fisheries | Beneficial | DFO | Not yet initiated |
Objective 4. Mitigate the effects of other threats to population recovery
Broad Strategy | Recovery Measures | Priority | Achievement contributors | Status of recovery measure | Achievements since SARA listing (2005) |
Develop and implement adequate protective measures for all inshore and offshore projects that could have an impact within the beluga distribution area | Include protective measures in inshore and offshore projects | Critical | DFO, Provincial Gov. | Completed but ongoing |
Conduct an environmental impact assessment for all oil and gas exploration and development projects in the Gulf of St. Lawrence |
Critical | National Energy Board (NEB), DFO, CLNOPB, ECCC | Completed but ongoing |
Maintain and improve the carcass monitoring program, with a focus on determining causes of death | Improve the reliability and accessibility of the carcass monitoring program database (since 1983) and improve data processing and integration methods | Critical | DFO, RQUMM, Academia | Partially Completed |
Regularly publish results | Critical | DFO, Academia | Completed but ongoing |
Based on studies of causes of death, determine management measures to reduce sources of mortality | Critical | DFO, ECCC, PC | Partially Completed |
Prepare emergency plans for beluga in case of spills, harmful algal blooms, and epizootic diseases | Prepare or update emergency plans for the St. Lawrence Estuary | Underway | DFO, ECCC | Partially Completed |
Reduce the impact of vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing gear |
Develop tools to detect and prevent strikes and entanglements | Necessary | DFO, PC | Partially Completed |
Ensure the continued operation of the Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network | Necessary | DFO, RQUMM | Completed but ongoing |
Ensure monitoring of incidents involving beluga (collisions, wounds, incidental catches, harassment) | Necessary | DFO, PC | Completed but ongoing |
Inform and raise awareness of navigators (all boat types) on the regulations and the impacts of pollutant discharges | Carry out an awareness and education campaign on the regulations on pollutant discharges |
Beneficial | Unknown |
Monitor the number of incidents (toxic spills) | Beneficial | Unknown |
Detect and prevent spills, algal blooms, and epizootic diseases | Develop tools to detect and prevent spills, algal blooms, and epizootic diseases | Beneficial | ECCC, DFO | Partially Completed |
Reduce ship strikes, in particular with tourist vessels and pleasure craft | Carry out awareness campaigns targeting captains of tourist vessels and pleasure craft | Beneficial | DFO, PC | Completed but ongoing |
Examine other potential obstacles to recovery | If new threats are identified, initiate additional research and management strategies to reduce the impact | Beneficial | Completed and ongoing |
Objective 5. Protect beluga habitat in all its distribution range
Broad Strategy | Recovery Measures | Priority | Achievement contributors | Status of recovery measure | Achievements since SARA listing (2005) |
Increase our understanding of the seasonal distribution and potential habitats of beluga | Identify beluga high-use areas according to season, including the characteristics that make them favourable to beluga and the vital functions they support, and identify potential new habitats should the distribution area expand as well as threats to these habitats | Critical | DFO, Academia, ENGOs | Partially Completed |
Protect beluga habitat using diverse legal tools | Set up Marine Protected Areas in beluga territory, such as the SLE Marine Protected Area Project and the Manicouagan Aquatic Reserve | Critical | DFO, Provincial Gov. | Partly Completed |
Enact zoning regulations in the SSLMP to protect high-use areas | Critical | PC | Partly completed |
Study the feasibility of extending the boundaries of the SSLMP, in accordance with the management plan of the marine park (PCA and MDDEP, 2010), to include a more significant portion of the beluga' summering area | Critical | PC | Partly completed |
6. Ensure regular monitoring of the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population
Broad Strategy | Recovery Measures | Priority | Achievement contributors | Status of recovery measure | Achievements since SARA listing (2005) |
Monitor the St. Lawrence beluga population | Continue to conduct population surveys, at least every three years | Critical | DFO | Completed but ongoing |
Monitor juvenile recruitment rates and causes of juvenile mortality | Critical | DFO, Academia | Completed but ongoing |
Continue the population monitoring program (distribution, size, structure, dynamics, social organization, and genetics) |
Critical | DFO, Academia, ENGOs | Completed but ongoing |
6. Effectiveness of recovery measures and recommended changes or additions
In the following sections, the recovery measures that have been implemented to reduce each of the identified threats are described in general terms, along with any information available on population demography or health to illustrate the effectiveness of the measures. As it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of individual recovery measures and their associated impacts on the population, all recovery measures aimed at reducing a specific threat are considered collectively to evaluate whether they have been effective at reducing the threat.
The recovery measures listed under objective 6 in the Recovery Strategy do not directly reduce threats to SLE beluga. However, monitoring programs that fall under this objective are important for informing threat-based mitigation measures. The effectiveness of recovery measures implemented to more directly reduce or mitigate threats often relies on information obtained under these non-threat-based measures. Additionally, knowledge gained through completing measures under Objective 6 can be used to inform the development of new recovery measures to reduce the impacts of threats. As this objective is not threat-based, nor directly related to recovery, a measure of their effectiveness is not possible; however, their importance for assessing recovery and the effectiveness of other recovery measures is further discussed in the following sections.
6.1 Overall Assessment of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures
The decline (1% per year) in the SLE beluga population size documented over the past 15 years after a period of relative stability (Mosnier et al. 2015), and the apparent absence of expansion in beluga distribution (Mosnier et al. 2010; Gosselin et al. in press), indicate that recovery objectives for population size and distribution range have not been achieved. They also indicate that, while recovery actions completed had allowed the population to stabilize prior to 2000, they did not permit the population to grow at the targeted 2% growth rate and they have since been insufficient for this population to cease decreasing.
A recent population viability analysis (PVA), which assumed a warming climate and various levels of what are now considered to be the three main threats to the population (i.e., noise/disturbance, persistent organochlorine contaminants, and reduced availability of prey), was recently performed for SLE beluga (Williams et al. in press). It was concluded that the SLE beluga population was unlikely to reach the recovery goal of 7,070 individuals by 2100, even under the most optimistic management scenarios of these threats. While uncertainty exists as to the relative importance of the three threats that were considered in the model in terms of preventing recovery, the strong negative anomalies observed since 2010 in sea ice extent and duration and water temperatures, if they persist, come out as factors potentially reducing the ability of the SLE beluga (or resilience) to cope with the other three threats (Williams et al. in press).
Given the above information, it is evident that collectively, the recovery measures laid out in the Recovery Strategy that have been completed to date, have not led to the achievement of recovery objectives, and current population trend is also not indicative of progress towards recovery. The following section will assess progress towards abating threats preventing beluga recovery.
6.2 Effectiveness of threat-based recovery measures, and recommended improvements
6.2.1 Recovery measures associated with objective 1. Reduce contaminants in beluga, their prey, and their habitat
Recovery measures that fall under the first recovery objective aim to reduce the threat of contaminants. SLE beluga are exposed to a variety of toxic chemical compounds mainly through their diet, but also through their environment (sediments, water, air). Some pollutants have existed for a long time in the beluga environment, and have been regulated well before concerns were raised about their potential effects on beluga health (e.g., PCBs, DDTs, PAH). Other toxic chemical compounds were introduced in the environment more recently (e.g., polybrominated dichloroethane or PBDEs) and have been regulated after 2005 (i.e., after SARA listing) but not necessarily as a result of recovery measures in the beluga Recovery Strategy. Others (e.g., other flame retardants) are emergent and remain unregulated.
The monitoring of levels of persistent organochlorine compounds (e.g., DDTs, PCBs, Mirex, dioxins, furans) and some metals (e.g., mercury) in SLE beluga and studies of their potential effects were initiated in the early 1980s, i.e., prior to the SARA listing of the population (e.g., Martineau et al. 1987; Muir et al. 1996a; 1996b; DFO 2012 for review). These studies have shown that SLE beluga are among the most contaminated marine populations on the planet, which raised concerns for their health. There were also concerns about a class of contaminants (polyaromatic hydrocarbons or PAH) originating from aluminum smelters that were detected in SLE beluga; PAH were thought to be responsible for the high rates of cancers documented in the population (Martineau et al. 2002).
A number of recovery measures have been proposed which aimed primarily at enhancing efforts to reduce contaminant levels in beluga, their prey and habitat, and at understanding their pathways of effects (Table 2). Research on the physiological effects of contaminants on SLE beluga has been limited since SARA listing. The studies advancing our understanding of health effects of contaminants have come primarily from other Arctic populations of beluga and other marine mammal species.
Regulatory actions to reduce toxic chemical compound discharges have been put in place for a number of compounds after 2005, although regulations were already in place for several chemical compounds before that time (Table 2). Contaminated terrestrial and aquatic sites have been identified and prioritized for decontamination long before SARA listing (in 1998), and decontamination initiatives have been put forward at various sites in the Great Lake region since then (see Table 2). Effectiveness of actions
Given that beluga are exposed to a variety of pollutants that have different histories in terms of introduction date, abundance and persistence in the environment, as well as regulatory actions, it is challenging to assess whether the threat from contaminants as a whole, has decreased for beluga.
Beluga are long-lived and several contaminants are persistent and volatile. As a result, expectations were that it would take several years for changes in contaminants in beluga prey or the environment to cascade into significant changes in beluga contaminant burdens and health. . Overall, there are signs that actions undertaken over the past several decades have improved the quality of SLE beluga habitat and prey for some contaminants. These improvements have had cascading effects into beluga. Concentrations of several persistent organochlorine compounds that are now regulated, such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), or mirex remain high in SLE beluga, but they have stopped increasing. Some of these compounds have started to show declining trends, especially in reproductive females, who can offload some of their contaminant burden to their newborn calf (Gouteux et al. 2003; Lebeuf et al. 2007; 2012; 2014).
Conversely, highly toxic flame retardants such as the polybrominated diphenylether (PBDEs), for which regulations have been implemented only recently, increased exponentially in beluga tissues during the 1990s. Since then, levels either stabilized or continued increasing but at a slower rate (Lebeuf et al. 2014; Simond et al. in press). Other, emerging and currently unregulated contaminants remain unquantified in beluga tissues given the currently limited research efforts steered toward contaminants and SLE beluga (but see Simond et al. in press).
There is some indication that for some classes of contaminants, the recovery measures completed to date have had positive effects on beluga habitat, with cascading effects on beluga health. A notable example is the apparent decrease in the incidence of cancer in beluga born after the abrupt decline of PAH concentrations in surface sediments of their summer area (Lair et al. 2016). It is also possible that the decrease in cancer is linked to PCB reductions, which indirectly acts on levels of PAH by altering their degradation into carcinogenic metabolites (Lair et al. 2016). It is not possible to determine the specific contribution of the various management actions undertaken (e.g., regulations for certain contaminants vs cleaning of contaminated sites) to the overall improvement in beluga health and contamination.
These results are encouraging and indicate that actions that have been undertaken in the Great Lakes or other sectors upstream of, or within the SLE beluga habitat have been effective to some extent in reducing the overall input of contaminants in the beluga environment over a time scale of a few decades. However, levels of regulated contaminants continue to be high in beluga even if some have stabilized or declined in their tissue. Others such as PBDEs continue to increase, indicating that current actions are not sufficient to abate this threat. Focus of improvements to current recovery measures and additional measures
PBDEs and other highly toxic flame retardants are currently of great concern as they are suspected to be playing a role in the lack of beluga recovery, and the worsening of their situation. Since 2008, an abnormally high number of beluga newborn calves were found dead in the SLE (Lesage et al. 2014b), a trend which has been accompanied since 2010 by a new phenomenon of regular reports of peripartum complications among dead adult females (Lair et al. 2016). Interference of PBDEs with normal thyroid activity has the potential to induce such effects, or to make neonates less fit to survive (Lair et al. 2016).
In light of the achievements of recovery measures that have been completed, and of these recent findings, recovery measures to reduce threat from contaminants should aim primarily at continuing to reduce toxic chemical compound discharges and transport to beluga habitat. Measures need to include additional regulations, full application or expansion of existing regulations (see Table 2 for specific regulations), adequate enforcement, as well as decontamination of aquatic and terrestrial sites (Table 3). PBDEs and emergent flame retardants need to receive particular attention given their high toxicity, and possible role in the current increase in mortality of adult females and calves. It is important to note that improvements resulting from the implementation of any measure aimed at reducing the threat of contaminants will only become evident over the longer-term (i.e.: >10 years) due to the nature of the threat. Monitoring and research to support recommended recovery measures
Given the wide and changing variety of toxic chemical compounds in the environment, there is a need to review the information available on contaminant loads in beluga, toxicity thresholds and expected health effects in order to ensure regulatory actions are steered toward the top priority toxic chemical compounds.
Time series exist for the incidence of cancer, peripartum problems, and for levels of several toxic organochlorine compounds in beluga; time series may exist for sentinel species and habitat, but this could not be determined within the timeframe that this review was completed. Existing time series have proved to be useful indicators of effectiveness of actions taken to reduce beluga exposure to toxic chemical compounds. As such, monitoring of these aspects needs to be maintained. Time series should also be built to monitor levels and trends of emergent flame retardants and other toxic chemical compounds in beluga and their habitat, to help assess the effectiveness of the recommended recovery measures addressing those contaminants (e.g. regulations). Such a time series can inform the adaptation or refocusing of management measures as needed over time.
Table 3. Suggested immediate improvements to recovery measures to reduce contaminant levels in beluga, their prey, and their habitat, and to monitor effectiveness of these measures. The rank for implementing measures is determined based on whether the scope of the measure or the benefits to the population with regards to abating the threat is large or small, and whether its impact in terms of threat abatement is direct or indirect. Timing can be ‘immediate’ (within 1 year), ‘short-term (1-5 years), medium-term (5-10 years) or longer-term (10 + years), and represents the horizon for acquiring the scientific information necessary to implement the measure and for the effects of implementation to become evident, either in terms of a reduction of threat level or benefits to the population. A rank of 1 is given to measures that directly abate most effects from a threat; a rank of 2 is given to measures with a large scope, but with indirect impacts on the threat. Measures to fill data gaps or provide a monitoring function are not assigned scope, impact, timing for improvements, or rank, as they collectively support the implementation of the management-based measures listed.
Recovery Measures | Anticipated effectiveness | Anticipated timing | Rank | ||
Scope | Impact | Initiate implementation | Improvements | ||
Management-based | |||||
Continue to reduce toxic chemical compound discharges at the source by new regulations, or expansion of existing regulations | Large | Direct | Short-term | Longer-term | 1 |
Continue pollution reduction efforts, in the Great Lakes system and other areas located upstream or within the beluga habitat, through inter-provincial, national and international initiatives (particularly with the U.S. and Ontario governments) | Large | Direct | Short-term | Longer-term | 1 |
Ensure adequate enforcement of existing regulations related to toxic chemical compound discharges in Canada (see Table 2 for list of relevant regulations) | Large | Direct | Immediate | Longer-term | 1 |
Reduce the number and scope of accidental and illegal discharges of pollutants | Large | Indirect | Short-term | Longer-term | 2 |
Determine the areas outside of beluga habitat where the deposition, discharge, or immersion of chemical substances can eventually alter the quality of beluga habitat and prohibit the deposition, discharge or immersion of chemical substances in those areas. | Small | Direct | Short-term | Longer-term | 2 |
Continue the clean-up of the top priority terrestrial and aquatic sites identified for beluga | Small | Direct | Short-term | Longer-term | 2 |
Make stakeholders (municipalities, ZIP committee, etc.) aware of the concerns related to pollutant inputs from agricultural and other activities, wastewater treatment, waste storage sites, landfills, etc. | Large | Indirect | Short-term | Longer-term | 2 |
Data gaps and needs for monitoring | |||||
Based on a scientific review of beluga contamination loads, toxicity thresholds when known, and expected physiological effects for each groups of chemical compounds, identify those most likely to result in health effects in beluga to inform and prioritize regulatory actions | Immediate | ||||
Ensure monitoring of indicators for reductions in high-risk contaminants in beluga (cancer incidence, loads) by maintaining the carcass monitoring and sampling program | Immediate | ||||
Monitor the number and size of accidental and illegal discharges in the St. Lawrence system | Short-term | ||||
Establish performance indicators for reductions in high-risk contaminants in beluga habitat, and ensure monitoring at an appropriate scale and frequency (to be defined). | Immediate | ||||
Improve our understanding of toxicity thresholds, pathways of effects, and impacts of key contaminants on beluga and other sentinel species. This information will allow determination of the levels at which different classes of contaminants represent a threat or are no longer a threat to beluga, and could inform adaptive management and regulations | Longer-term |
6.2.2 Recovery measures associated with objective 2. Reduce anthropogenic disturbances
Recovery measures that fall under the second recovery objective aim to reduce the threat of anthropogenic disturbances. A variety of anthropogenic activities can interfere with the normal activities of SLE beluga either by masking important acoustic signals, or by inducing behavioural or stress responses (Clark 2009). These activities mainly include: shipping, ferry operations, whale-watching, recreational boating (either motorized or non-motorized), research activities and marine development projects. While shipping has existed in the SLE for over a century, whale-watching and other activities are more recent. Similarly, time series to evaluate trends in these activities are limited to only one or two decades, and to only a few years in the case of their impacts (e.g., noise levels) (see Appendix 1).
The mitigation of effects from disturbance and noise is a relatively new phenomenon, with the first studies being conducted in the Arctic in the 1970s. Therefore, very few actions were undertaken to mitigate this threat prior to posting of the first SLE beluga recovery plan in 1995, and several others were implemented after SARA listing 2005. Some of these measures aimed at better defining levels where significant effects might occur, while others intended to reduce physical disturbance of beluga, or noise levels in their habitat (Table 2). Effectiveness of actions
The research conducted under the auspices of the Recovery Strategy led to a better understanding of the vessel fleet characteristics and composition, and of the vessels that are most likely to interfere with the SLE beluga's normal behaviour. This potential for interference exists, either because of vessel noise output (e.g., container ships), the amount of transits they represent (e.g., ferries), their location (overlap with important habitats for females and calves), or their acoustic overlap with beluga echolocation or communication frequency bands (e.g., whale-watching vessels) (McQuinn et al. 2011; Gervaise et al. 2012; Simard et al. 2014; 2016). Impact studies indicate that merchant ship traffic exposes a substantial proportion of the SLE beluga population to noise levels likely to induce negative responses many times a day, the vast majority of exposed animals being females with calves or juveniles (Lesage et al. 2014b). Studies also indicate that ferries and other large ships can reduce the acoustic habitat of beluga to a fraction of what it is expected to be under natural conditions (Gervaise et al. 2012), and that the noisiest areas are located along the north shore and at the mouth of the Saguenay River, with the quietest areas being found along the south shore and in the Upper Estuary (McQuinn et al. 2011; Lesage et al. 2014a; Roy and Simard 2016).
Several of the recovery measures implemented have likely raised awareness about the conservation status of SLE beluga, or have contributed to limiting disturbance or noise output in beluga habitat. However, there is no indicator available to assess changes since the species was listed in underwater noise levels, beluga exposure to noise, compliance with regulations, or the extent to which development projects where noise mitigation measures were to be implemented effectively complied with these requirements. Therefore, the effectiveness of recovery measures aimed at reducing the noise aspects of the disturbance threat cannot be assessed in quantitative terms here.
A review of the evolution of marine traffic and interactions with SLE beluga indicates that more can be done to reduce beluga exposure to whale-watching activities, which contribute both to the noise and physical disturbance aspects of the threat. Beluga are targeted by a small percentage of the whale-watching activities in the Lower SLE, but this percentage might have slightly increased over recent years. In the Upper SLE, an area used almost exclusively by females and calves and juveniles, whale-watching operations are limited, but are focused largely or exclusively on beluga (Ménard et al. 2014; Martins 2016).
Overall, there is currently no indication that interactions of beluga with vessels or the amount of traffic (merchant, recreational, whale-watching) in their habitat, a proxy for underwater noise levels and level of disturbance have decreased since SARA-listing in 2005. Therefore, we consider the recovery measures implemented to date to have been collectively ineffective at reducing the threat from underwater noise and physical disturbance. Focus of improvements to current recovery measures and additional measures
Unusually high numbers of dead beluga calves were reported in 2010 and 2012 (Lesage et al. 2014b). These anomalies coincided with peaks in recreational boating activities at the Tadoussac marina, higher-than-usual co-occurrences between beluga and boats in the Saguenay Fjord, and good weather conditions during July and August in the critical habitat of SLE beluga (Ménard et al. 2014). These results have raised concerns about a potential link between anthropogenic disturbance during the calving period, and increased calf and female peripartum mortalities reported in those years.
Under the new Quebec Maritime Strategy, and other recent or proposed economic development initiatives within and outside the SLE beluga's habitat, it is expected that the number of merchant ship transits through the beluga habitat will increase. These new activities may add traffic in areas located outside the main shipping lane, and that are currently relatively quiet and only lightly exposed to marine traffic. This increased activity is of concern as it might result in an overall decrease in the quantity of quiet habitat available to beluga.
There are several recovery measures that could be undertaken relatively rapidly that would result in immediate reductions of beluga exposure to noise and interactions with vessels, and would help mitigate impacts from future developments. Identifying and protecting areas of the SLE that are both currently relatively quiet and important for SLE beluga could result in the creation of acoustic refuges or 'opportunity sites', allowing important conservation gains to be made for the future, at little societal costs (Williams et al. 2015). Within the limits of the SSLMP, a review of the zoning plan to implement exclusion zones could enhance protection of important habitats from noise and physical disturbance. Examining the placement of shipping routes relative to important beluga habitat can also be done in the short-term and might reveal areas where minor adjustments can be made that result in significant gains in terms of acoustic quality of the habitat or reduction in beluga exposure to noise. Replacing noisy highly-used ferries such as the Baie Sainte-Catherine/Tadoussac ferry by road infrastructure or quieting down ferries could considerably reduce noise levels in an important habitat of beluga.
Actions also need to be undertaken to increase awareness and compliance of users with regulatory and voluntary measures. Research-based actions leading to a better characterization of the fleet (both merchant ships and whale-watching vessels) would help steer efforts toward the most problematic vessels.
Currently, new development projects, including their associated vessel traffic, are assessed on a case-by-case basis for their impacts, without consideration of impacts they might generate outside the immediate vicinity of project location, or of impacts from other projects or activities allowed in the same region. A strategic (or programmatic) review of all activities and development projects contributing to noise and vessel traffic in the SLE is greatly needed, as it will provide a framework to set management objectives (e.g., in terms of noise levels or amount of traffic not to exceed), improve spatial planning, and assess and manage cumulative or aggregated effects of economic activities on the beluga and its habitat (Wright and Kyhn 2014). Monitoring and research to support recommended recovery measures
No indicator of effectiveness exists for any of the past recovery measures dealing with this threat. Indicators should be developed in priority to assess the evolution of noise levels and traffic in key habitats for beluga, as well as the degree of interactions between SLE users and beluga. Research that helps better understanding how chronic sources of noise negatively impact beluga health and behaviour could help better target recovery actions and inform management objectives for noise and traffic levels.
Table 4. Suggested immediate improvements to recovery measures to reduce anthropogenic noise and disturbance, and to monitor effectiveness of these measures. Definitions are provided in Table 3. Measures to fill data gaps or provide a monitoring function are not assigned scope, impact, timing for improvements, or rank, as they collectively support the implementation of the management-based measures listed.
Recovery Measures | Anticipated effectiveness | Anticipated timing | Rank | ||
Scope | Impact | Initiate implementation | Improvements | ||
Management-based | |||||
Identify candidate acoustic refuge areas, and undertake actions for their creation | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Increase the distance between shipping lanes and areas important to SLE beluga (e.g., moving shipping lane, pilot station) | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Increase distance between pleasure crafts and whale-watching vessels by revising the SSLMP zoning plan and implementing exclusion zones | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Reduce the acoustic footprint of vessels that generate a large amount of traffic in the beluga habitat (e.g., ferries, Canadian merchant ships), which could be done by replacing some ferry traffic with road infrastructure or by using quieting technologies on vessels contributing the most to traffic. | Large | Direct | Medium-term | Immediate | 1 |
Enhance enforcement of the SSLMP Regulations, and of the MM Regulations outside of the SSLMP, especially in important habitats of the Upper Estuary | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Extend the no-boat 400 m zone for beluga observations within the SSLMP to areas outside of the SSLMP | Large | Direct | Immediate | Immediate | 1 |
Develop and promote incentives to reduce noise output from vessels, and to eliminate the noisiest vessels | Large | Direct | Medium-term | Immediate | 1 |
Make mitigation of noise and monitoring of the effects of the mitigation mandatory for marine development projects likely to affect beluga habitat | Small | Direct | Immediate | Immediate | 2 |
Proceed with a strategic review of all activities and development projects that have, or could, contribute to noise and vessel traffic in beluga habitat, in order to set management objectives, and be able to account for cumulative effects and current and new development initiatives occurring both inside and outside SLE beluga habitat | Large | Indirect | Short-term | Medium-term | 2 |
Enhance awareness among merchant ship captains about how changing their behaviour can effect change in beluga habitat acoustic quality, with the aim of increasing compliance with voluntary measures | Large | Indirect | Short-term | Immediate | 2 |
Data gaps and needs for monitoring | |||||
Develop indicators for effectiveness of recovery measures (either existing or new) (e.g., degree of enforcement, compliance with regulatory or voluntary measures, noise levels in key areas, acoustic space of beluga) and monitor them at an appropriate temporal scale (specific to the recovery measure) | Short-term | ||||
Complete characterization of the fleet in order to identify vessels most contributing to the acoustic footprint, either in terms of number of transits or source level | Short-term | ||||
Review innovations and technical solutions available worldwide that would be applicable to shipping or whale-watching vessels to reduce noise output, and assess their feasibility in the SLE | Immediate | ||||
Develop a framework to assess and monitor cumulative disturbance and noise effects associated with whale-watching, shipping and other development initiatives | Short-term | ||||
Carry out studies to determine the short- and long-term effects of chronic forms of disturbance on beluga health and condition | Short-term |
6.2.3 Recovery measures associated with objective 3. Ensure adequate and accessible food supplies
Recovery measures that fall under the third recovery objective aim to reduce the threat of inadequate and inaccessible food supplies. The effectiveness of recovery measures addressing this threat ultimately depends on the ability to identify the key prey species of SLE beluga. While an extensive diet study was conducted in the 1930s (Vladykov 1946), this information remains of limited use to assess current diet given it was mostly acquired from a site that is no longer used by SLE beluga today. Contemporary diet information is limited given that beluga found dead of illness often have empty guts. However, some insights into beluga spring and summer diet have been gained from continued sampling efforts of beluga guts, as well as through indirect methods using various chemical tracers such as stable isotopes, fatty acids and contaminants (Nozères 2006; Lesage 2014; Lesage et al. 2017). While data indicate a diverse diet, they also suggest that the bulk of the beluga diet is formed of only a handful of prey species, and that the species targeted varies by month, location and season. Groundfish such as cod species, redfish, white hake, and several forage species such as capelin, herring and sandlance, along with tomcod and rainbow smelt are probably important for SLE beluga. As a result, actions directly or indirectly protecting or increasing the abundance of these species are likely to be beneficial to SLE beluga.
Recent studies also highlighted a link between a decline in sea ice cover and water temperature and a decrease in beluga calf survival (Williams et al. in press). These warming conditions may have affected beluga directly, but more likely, indirectly by affecting prey distribution and biomass and thus, their availability to adult females (e.g. Buren et al. 2014).
The management and monitoring of fish and invertebrate populations that may constitute potential prey of beluga is conducted by DFO and has been implemented well before posting of the recovery plan (1995) or Recovery Strategy (2005), with an implementation date varying among species. Currently, there is little effort to specifically monitor marine fish and invertebrate stocks in the SLE simply because of the low levels of fishery. Exceptions exist for some anadromous and diadromous species such as the American eel, tomcod and rainbow smelt.
Recovery measures proposed in the Recovery Strategy were meant to enhance protection of prey spawning and rearing sites and limit removals by fisheries or other activities likely to affect prey or their habitat (Table 2). Effectiveness of actions
Scientific studies indicate that some of the prey available to beluga are produced locally while some are imported from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Therefore, in order to be effective, recovery measures need to target prey in the two regions. Recovery measures that were put in place to limit commercial fisheries or protect fish or their habitat in the SLE have likely been beneficial to beluga, although there is no direct quantitative indicator of the effectiveness of these measures for improving prey availability to beluga. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the absence of fishing for some forage species helped mitigate the threat of inadequate food supplies to some extent, since it prevented fisheries for some forage species that the beluga either prey upon (e.g., sandlance), or that the beluga's prey depend on (e.g., krill and copepods). In 2009, a new policy `New Fisheries for Forage Species` was introduced. The policy allows a forage fish fishery in cases where all the conservation objectives prescribed by the directive are met. However, no new fishery of this type has been proposed or undertaken since SARA-listing or since the 2009 directive was implemented.
Groundfish stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence collapsed in the early 1990s and some of these species represent beluga prey (e.g., cod, redfish). These once abundant resources were never replaced by pelagic fish or other species, leaving the ecosystem in an overall biomass deficit (Plourde et al. 2014). A moratorium on the Atlantic cod fishery has been implemented in the SLE and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence since 2009 to allow population recovery, and remains in place today. However, stock size remains at a small fraction of levels that prevailed in the 1970s or 1980s. Globally, several of the groundfish stocks, and forage species that might be particularly important for beluga (e.g., 4T spring herring) remain at low levels. Therefore, we conclude that recovery measures implemented since SARA-listing have been ineffective at increasing beluga access to adequate prey biomasses. In fact, little has been done to address this threat, which up until recently, was only considered a potential threat. Focus of improvements to current recovery measures and additional measures
The decline of the beluga population in the late 1990s and changes in population dynamics coincided with changes in several environmental conditions, including a decline in the abundance of demersal fish and some pelagic prey (Plourde et al. 2014), suggesting that food supply may have become limited and may still be playing a role in the current decline. A population viability analysis indicated that management actions leading to an improvement in demersal fish and 4T spring herring availability would have beneficial effects on the SLE beluga population growth rate (Williams et al. in press). Therefore, recovery measures acting on the levels of current and new fisheries, or protecting the habitat of beluga prey, including their food supply (forage fish and invertebrates), could help increase prey availability to beluga (Table 5). For instance, there is currently a fishery for 4T spring herring, a prey that might be particularly important for SLE beluga in the spring, and whose stock has collapsed around the year 2000 (Plourde et al. 2014). This stock is currently in the critical zone of the DFO Precautionary Approach and while reduction in commercial catches were applied since 2000, poor recruitment has constrained the rebuilding of this stock. Further reduction of harvest levels on herring (targeting mainly the spring component) could help the rebuilding of this key forage species to a healthy status, which would benefit beluga. Monitoring and research to support recommended recovery measures
Our understanding of the beluga diet is still highly imperfect. Studies underway and using chemical tracers and gut contents need to be completed to ensure that recovery measures are focused on the most important prey species. These studies could be complemented by field studies of beluga feeding strategy and habitat use in order to gain insights into diet via habitat functions and characteristics. Approaches using bio-energetic models could help estimate beluga energy requirements and food supplies needed to support the population and allow recovery.
In parallel, there is a need to develop trend indicators that are specific to forage species and other beluga prey. Given the potential role of the receding sea ice cover, and of warming temperatures in explaining changes in prey distribution, biomass, or quality, monitoring programs for these physical aspects of the beluga environment need to be maintained to provide the context for interpreting changes in population dynamics of SLE beluga or other biological components of their ecosystem.
Table 5. Suggested immediate improvements to recovery measures to ensure adequate and accessible food is supplied to beluga, and to monitor effectiveness of these measures. Definitions are provided in Table 3. Measures to fill data gaps or provide a monitoring function are not assigned scope, impact, timing for improvements, or rank, as they collectively support the implementation of the management-based measures listed.
Recovery Measures | Anticipated effectiveness | Anticipated timing | Rank | ||
Scope | Impact | Initiate implementation | Improvements | ||
Management-based | |||||
Review fisheries allocations and make changes if needed to protect and enhance standing stocks for key prey species and their availability to beluga | Large | Direct | Short-term | Short-term | 1 |
Implement more stringent measures or a ban for some fisheries targeting forage species (e.g. capelin, herring, sandlance), or the food on which the forages species rely (e.g. krill and copepods) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and/or SLE, to ensure that all species associated with beluga food requirements are maintained in a healthy state. | Large | Direct | Short-term | Short-term | 1 |
Acknowledging that prey origin may not be just the SLE, systematically implement measures to protect beluga prey and their habitat when assessing environmental impacts of inshore and offshore projects | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Enhance protection of spawning and rearing sites and migration corridors of key beluga prey species | Large | Direct | Short-term | Short-term | 1 |
Explicitly consider the beluga's food requirements when assessing new or existing fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the SLE | Large | Direct | Medium-term | Immediate | 1 |
Formalize the prohibition of trawl nets in the Upper St. Lawrence Estuary to protect beluga prey habitat | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Data gaps and needs for monitoring | |||||
Complete dietary studies, and undertake studies on feeding strategies and habitat functions | Short-term | ||||
Develop indicators of prey availability in the SLE and monitor them regularly (to be defined) | Short-term | ||||
Maintain monitoring programs for sea ice cover and seawater temperature in the SLE and Gulf of St. Lawrence | Immediate |
6.2.4 Recovery measures associated with objective 4. Mitigate the effects of other threats to population recovery
Recovery measures that fall under the fourth recovery objective aim to reduce the effects of other threats to population recovery. Among these other threats, collisions with small vessels (non-merchant ships) and entanglement in fishing gear have been responsible for a small number of deaths. Out of a sample size of 222 documented beluga deaths, 8 (4%) and 2 (1%) deaths were attributed to collisions and entanglement, respectively (Lair et al. 2016). Collision risk increases with speed and manoeuvrability, therefore the risk is relatively higher for smaller vessels than larger ones. Risk of entanglement is likely associated with gillnets in the SLE, although the type of gear involved in the documented deaths was not confirmed (Lair et al. 2016). Fisheries in the SLE currently operate at very low levels and therefore, incidents involving bycatch or entanglements of beluga have been rare in recent times.
Beluga also face a number of sporadic anthropogenic threats, which have the potential to cause multiple deaths in a short time, including spills of toxic substances, harmful algal blooms, and epizootic diseases (an epidemic in an animal population). As in many other temperate coastal areas, blooms of the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense occur on a regular basis in the SLE, with three major red tides documented in the past two decades (Scarratt et al. 2014). This algae has been associated with mortality of SLE beluga and other marine species in 2008 (Scarratt et al. 2014). Eutrophication (an increase in nutrients that promotes the growth of plants that take up oxygen and cause death of fish or mollusks), climatic variability, and changes in rainfall patterns may increase the frequency and severity of these events (Van Dolah 2000; Anderson et al. 2012). Given its small size, the SLE beluga population could be significantly affected by a single intoxication event (Scarratt et al. 2014).
There have been very few major toxic spills in the St. Lawrence, and so far, most have occurred in ports (Villeneuve and Quilliam 1999). However, the occurrence of strong tides and currents, seasonal ice cover, and frequent fog in the SLE and Gulf of St. Lawrence do increase the risk of toxic spills. The St. Lawrence River and Gulf of St. Lawrence has been identified among the zones where the probability of a large spill occurring is the highest (WSP Canada Inc. 2014). Because the area occupied by SLE beluga is limited, a large toxic spill could affect a significant number of individuals simultaneously and have long-term consequences for a large proportion of their range (Peterson et al. 2003).
Epizootic diseases have not been documented in SLE beluga. However, viruses such as papillomavirus and herpesvirus, which are the primary cause for these epidemic events, have been reported in SLE beluga (De Guise et al. 1994; Lair et al. 2014). Other pathogens such as the cetacean distemper virus or cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) pose a high risk to SLE beluga because the population apparently has not been previously exposed to either of these pathogens (Mikaelian et al. 1999; Nielsen et al. 2000). Beluga could become exposed via range expansion of exotic infected marine mammal species as a result of climate change, or via biological contamination from municipal sewage, waste and ballast waters, and coastal runoff discharged into the St. Lawrence ecosystem. The small size of the beluga population, their gregariousness, potentially weakened immune system from chronic exposure to contaminants, and low genetic diversity make the SLE beluga population vulnerable to epizootic diseases. Effectiveness of actions
A time series of nearly 30 years was needed to qualify the level of threat that collision risk and entanglement represent for SLE beluga (Lair et al. 2016). As a result, recovery measures were only recently put in place to reduce collision risks for SLE beluga, which represents about one individual every 4-5 years. These measures were meant to reduce the unpredictability of vessel movement to the beluga, by reducing their speed and avoiding abrupt changes in direction. While these measures have most likely been beneficial, the time series to document changes in this risk is currently too short to directly evaluate the effectiveness of this measure at reducing collision risk.
There have been very few recovery measures undertaken to address threats from toxic algal blooms, epizootic diseases, toxic spills, and fishing gear entanglement, presumably because of their relatively lower likelihood of occurrence when compared to the other threats identified for the population. However, the harmful algal bloom of 2008 indicates that when they occur, these events can remove several individuals from a population.
DFO has implemented systematic reviews of marine development projects on an individual basis since beluga Critical Habitat identification to assess impacts on beluga and their habitat, and incorporate mitigation measures when necessary. This increased scrutiny of individual projects has likely contributed to limiting habitat degradation. It must be noted that this measure did not aim at improving beluga habitat, but at limiting further degradation although again here, there is no quantitative measure of the effectiveness of this measure.
Data is currently too sparse to evaluate trends in harmful algal blooms, toxic spills, entanglements or collisions since SARA-listing. Therefore, the effectiveness of the recovery measures being implemented to address these threats remains difficult to assess. Focus of improvements to current recovery measures and additional measures
The number of tankers travelling through the St. Lawrence transporting petroleum products and other toxic substances began to increase in 2014 with oil from Alberta being offloaded in Sorel, QC from the railway system using existing facilities, and is expected to continue to increase in the near- and medium-term future (COSEWIC 2014). As a result, risk of an accidental spill has also likely increased. There is an emergency plan for the SLE in case of an accidental toxic spill, but there are no guidelines dealing specifically with beluga (Government of Canada 2015) (Table 6).
Speed limits and codes of practice when in the presence of beluga have been put in place, but need to be better advertised. Promoting these measures with tour boat operators or pleasure craft owners through enforcement of regulations and awareness campaigns would contribute to reducing collision risk, also in addition to reducing disturbance and stress.
There is little that can be done to prevent epizootic disease outbreaks, once they have started. Reintroducing into the wild rehabilitated marine mammals that might have been in contact with pathogens can trigger such events. There is a need to formalize a directive regarding how to deal with ill marine mammals and their rehabilitation and relocation to ensure that the SLE beluga population benefits from as many individuals as possible, while minimising the risk of epizootic diseases.
Actions aiming at reducing anthropogenic inputs of nitrogen into the marine environment may help lower the likelihood of harmful algal bloom events. Monitoring and research to support recommended recovery measures
The SLE beluga carcass monitoring program and systematic necropsies have allowed the monitoring of incidents (e.g., collisions, entanglement, intoxication), and the assessment of the relative impact of these threats on SLE beluga. The program also provides the opportunity to detect epizootic disease outbreaks. These examples demonstrate the value in maintaining the carcass monitoring program, but there remains a need for instating indicators to directly monitor trends in threat levels over time. Since 2012, the Automatic Identification System (AIS) system which is mandatory for vessels over a certain tonnage could be used to build a time series for threats from larger vessels; however, there is no similar technology available to systematically monitor traffic for smaller vessels, including the small whale-watching vessels and tour boats operating in the SLE. A monitoring program exists in the Lower SLE for harmful algal blooms, although the current situation does no longer ensure timely analysis of the collected samples. There is a need to fully reinstate the harmful algal bloom monitoring program in the SLE and to include urea among the nutrients that are monitored in the Lower SLE, as well as expanding these two monitoring programs to the Upper SLE. These programs, assuming support for timely analyses of collected samples is also provided, would allow the evaluation of trends in eutrophication, and the early detection of harmful algal bloom events, with the recognition that avoiding effects on beluga might be highly challenging. These programs are especially needed to gauge the relative importance of threats in the future, considering the potential for increase in frequency of these events due to climate change, and their value for understanding the environmental conditions favorable to such events and potentially predicting them.
Techniques currently available to recover oil in cold and ice-covered waters are known to be inefficient. Given that such environmental conditions prevail in the St. Lawrence for more than half of the year, there is an urgent need for new research to be conducted to identify ways to deal with accidental oil spills under these environmental conditions.
Indicators for compliance with regulations within the SSLMP, or with voluntary measures to reduce collision risks are also needed.
Table 6. Suggested immediate improvements to recovery measures to mitigate the effects of other threats to population recovery, and to monitor effectiveness of these measures. Definitions are provided in Table 3. Measures to fill data gaps or provide a monitoring function are not assigned scope, impact, timing for improvements, or rank, as they collectively support the implementation of the management-based measures listed.
Recovery Measures | Anticipated effectiveness | Anticipated timing | Rank | ||
Scope | Impact | Initiate implementation | Improvements | ||
Management-based | |||||
Reduce euthophication by implementing regulations to reduce industrial, agricultural, and atmospheric inputs of nitrogen, particularly urea, a nutrient that promotes harmful algal blooms in the marine environment | Large | Indirect | Short-term | Medium-term | 2 |
Reduce the likelihood of toxic spills (e.g., by reducing tanker traffic, improving ship hull resistance, handling methods, etc.) | Large | Direct | Medium-term | Immediate | 1 |
Incorporate information on collision risks in the awareness campaigns targeting captains of tourist vessels and pleasure craft that are primarily aimed at reducing disturbance (see Table 4) | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Maintain an intervention capacity for events such as entanglements, toxic spills, diseases, and collisions through the continued operation of the Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network to increase odds of saving beluga in distress | Large | Direct | Immediate | Immediate | 1 |
Develop and apply a formal directive on rehabilitation of ill marine mammals and their re-introduction into the wild that takes into account the risks of epidemic diseases in SLE beluga | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Update the environmental emergency plan for the SLE to include specific measures for SLE beluga, with clear roles and responsibilities in case of accidental spill of oil or other toxic substance | Large | Indirect | Short-term | Immediate | 2 |
Data gaps and needs for monitoring | |||||
Ensure the continued operation of the carcass monitoring program to detect collisions and entanglements over time, and provide the samples necessary to document potential epidemic diseases, toxic algal blooms, and the impact of these various stressors on the SLE beluga population. | Medium-term | ||||
Develop indicators to evaluate trends in tanker traffic, and the frequency and size of toxic spill incidents | Short-term | ||||
Carry out new research to increase our efficiency at recovering oil from cold and ice-covered waters | Medium-term | ||||
Reinstate the toxic algae monitoring program in the SLE in order to maintain a detection capacity for harmful algal blooms, and formalize and support the monitoring program of toxins in SLE beluga | Immediate | ||||
Include urea in the nutrients monitored in the Lower SLE, and instate a monitoring program for nutrients and algal blooms in the Upper SLE to evaluate trends in eutrophication and chances of harmful algal blooms | Immediate | ||||
Develop indicators for compliance with regulations within the SSLMP to reduce collision risks | Immediate |
6.2.5 Recovery measures associated with objective 5. Protect the beluga's habitat in its entire distribution range
Recovery measures that fall under the fifth recovery objective do not aim to abate any one specific threat, but rather aim to fill data gaps regarding beluga distribution and high-use areas, including the functions they provide, and list broad protection measures for SLE beluga over their entire habitat. Effectiveness of actions
Since SARA-listing, time series of aerial surveys and beluga herd tracking data have been extended and compiled to identify important habitat within the summer distribution range of SLE beluga (Lemieux-Lefebvre et al. 2012; Mosnier et al. 2016). This information was incorporated in a literature review, and largely formed the basis for identifying beluga Critical Habitat for the period from June to October (DFO 2012). Outside of this period, data remains relatively scarce (see Mosnier et al. 2010 for a review) although it suggests some beluga move to the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the fall and winter, with some remaining in the SLE.
The Government announced its intention to protect the beluga Critical Habitat in Canada Gazette I in May 2016 ( Once protected, any activity or undertaking likely to destroy any part of Critical Habitat will be deemed illegal. DFO currently operates under the spirit of this future protection, by systematically scrutinising marine development projects or activities on an individual basis that are likely to destroy beluga Critical Habitat, and by requiring mitigation measures when deemed appropriate. This procedure has improved the protection of SLE beluga habitat, although there is no direct indicator of effectiveness.
Currently, functions and key features of important areas of habitat within the Critical Habitat, and inter-connectivity among them, remain generally unknown, which limits our understanding of their relative importance for the recovery of the population. This knowledge is key for assessing potential impacts of marine development projects that are proposed in various parts of the beluga habitat.
Awareness campaigns and tour boat operation permit conditions that limit access to sensitive areas (e.g., limited access of tour boats to Baie Ste-Marguerite) have also likely contributed to the protection of beluga habitat, although again, direct indicators of the effectiveness of these measures do not exist.
Overall, scientific research was conducted since SARA-listing that contributed to filling data gaps and enabled Critical Habitat identification during part of the year. This identification has triggered an increased screening and mitigation of development projects and their impacts and thus contributed to increased protection of beluga habitat, which may have indirectly prevented increases in certain threats, such as underwater noise and physical disturbance. Other protective measures, including identification of Critical Habitat for the period of November through May, are pending. Focus of improvements to current recovery measures and additional measures
The creation of a marine protected area (MPA) in the SLE, where certain restrictions similar to those enacted in the SSLMP could be in effect (e.g., limited access to sensitive areas), would help extend protection of beluga habitat to areas located along the south shore that are important to females and calves. Enacting of the zoning regulations in the SSLMP would further enhance protection of habitat, acknowledging that adequate enforcement is needed for those to be effective (Table 7).
Currently, the Critical Habitat identified covers only areas used between June and October given that data is insufficient outside of the summer period to identify important habitats. Critical Habitat identification should be extended as needed to include habitats used at other times of the year. Monitoring and research to support recommended recovery measures
There is a need to identify high-use areas for the spring, fall and winter periods in order to extend Critical Habitat as needed and enhance protection via the Species at Risk Act. There is also a need to have a better understanding of the social structuring of the beluga population, and of the inter-connectivity among high-use areas, which currently impairs our capacity to fully assess potential impacts of development projects. Data exist to address these questions; it should be analyzed and results made available.
Table 7. Suggested immediate improvements to recovery measures to protect the beluga habitat in its entire distribution range, to monitor effectiveness of these measures. Definitions are provided in Table 3. Measures to fill data gaps or provide a monitoring function are not assigned scope, impact, timing for improvements, or rank, as they collectively support the implementation of the management-based measures listed.
Recovery Measures | Anticipated effectiveness | Anticipated timing | Rank | ||
Scope | Impact | Initiate implementation | Improvements | ||
Management-based | |||||
Set up the St. Lawrence Estuary Marine Protected Area Project and the Manicouagan Aquatic Reserve, and use them as a framework for instating additional protective measures directed toward SLE beluga as needed | Large | Direct | Short-term | Short-term | 1 |
Enact zoning regulations in the SSLMP to protect high-use areas, and enhance enforcement | Large | Direct | Short-term | Immediate | 1 |
Publish the Critical Habitat Order in Canada Gazette II to formalize the legal protection of the critical habitat that is currently identified for SLE beluga | Large | Indirect | Short-term | Short-term | 1 |
Data gaps and needs for monitoring | |||||
Develop indicators for effectiveness of habitat protection measures | Short-term | ||||
Identify and protect important habitat that are used by SLE beluga outside of the summer months, including the characteristics that make these habitats favourable to beluga, and the vital functions they support | Short-term | ||||
Determine the proportions of the SLE beluga population using the different sections of their distribution range to better assess potential impacts of marine development projects on population recovery | Short-term | ||||
Publish the data accumulated over the past 25 years that documents the social organization and spatial structure of social units in the SLE Estuary so to bring an important perspective to impact assessments and protective measures | Short-term |
6.2.6 Recovery objective 6. Ensure regular monitoring of the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population
Since SLE beluga were first assessed as Endangered by COSEWIC in 1983, several programs have been implemented to monitor different aspects of the population. These include a beluga carcass monitoring program (begun in 1982 and fully implemented starting in 1983), which comprises of full necropsies of carcasses that are relatively well preserved. This program has been maintained since 1983.
Monitoring of population size and distribution, as well as recruitment rate, using a standardized method (photographic aerial surveys) has also continued over time. However, these surveys were conducted on a more irregular basis after 2000, reducing our capacity to detect population trends thereafter. Another monitoring time series (based on visual aerial surveys) was initiated in 2001, which offers a parallel, although not comparable, index estimate of population trends. However, visual surveys do not allow detection of calves and so, cannot provide an index of recruitment.
A photo-identification study, conducted by the Group of Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) has been ongoing since the late 1980s. This program has the potential to contribute to documenting and explaining changes in recruitment rate, habitat use and other ecological questions. Effectiveness of actions
The carcass monitoring program has provided long-term information on population parameters (Lesage et al. 2014b) and causes of death (Lair et al. 2016), and the value of this program for assessing the status of the beluga population has been examined (DFO 2007). This program also provided tissue samples that have allowed monitoring different kinds of toxic chemical compounds (e.g., Lebeuf et al. 2014; see also DFO 2012 for a review), and of other chemical tracers that provided insights into changes in trophic ecology and diet (Nozères 2006; Lesage 2014; Lesage et al. 2017).
The aerial surveys have allowed an age-structured population dynamics model to be built, which enables examining population trends in a biologically meaningful framework (Mosnier et al. 2015). Both population size estimates and recruitment indices from the surveys are used in this exercise. Surveys also provided the necessary information to conclude that there is currently no indication of an expansion or shrinkage of the population's distribution (Gosselin et al. 2014). However, abundance estimates are highly variable and sometimes comprise large uncertainty. This, combined with the small number of estimates obtained due to large time intervals between surveys, reduces the capacity to detect changes in population abundance in a timely manner.
The photo-identification program of the GREMM provided an index of the evolution of recruitment rate over 25 years (Michaud 2014). This data contributed to the validation of model outputs about population dynamics and trends (Mosnier et al. 2015; DFO 2014). Focus of improvements to current and additional monitoring measures
The outcome of the recent DFO review (DFO 2014) of the status of SLE beluga highlights the importance of these monitoring programs in understanding the fate of the SLE beluga population. Therefore, these programs (e.g., the carcass monitoring program, population survey program) should be maintained. However, there are currently very few tools to document changes in health condition or reproduction rate and so there is a need to put in place additional monitoring activities to document these aspects which are key indicators of the sub-lethal and population-level effects of human and natural stressors.
Table 8. Recovery measures to ensure regular monitoring of the SLE beluga population.
Data gaps and needs for monitoring | Anticipated timing |
Initiate implementation | |
Maintain the carcass monitoring program and necropsy program to continue to document population parameters, causes of mortality, and incidence of various threats over time | Immediate |
Continue to conduct systematic aerial surveys, at least every three years, to document changes in distribution, population size, and proportion of calves | Short-term |
Develop methods to assess health, body condition, and reproductive rate, and monitor on a yearly basis | Short-term |
7. Conclusions
When the review to estimate the potential for recovery of the SLE beluga population was conducted after SARA listing in 2005, the population was considered to be stable or increasing at a maximum of 1% per year (Hammill et al. 2007). The subsequent DFO review in 2013 revealed that at the time of SARA listing the population was actually already on the decline and had been doing so since about 2000 (DFO 2014). The major changes in population dynamics and trends at that time coincided with a worsening of several environmental parameters that were considered to already be unfavorable to beluga recovery; and thus the situation deteriorated further. These included: further decreases in prey availability relative to long-term averages for the Gulf of St. Lawrence; a warming climate; chronic exposure to shipping traffic, and disturbance from increasing whale-watching activities in parts of the beluga Critical Habitat; high levels of a larger number of contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDTs, PBDEs); and episodic harmful algal blooms. The population is now considered Endangered and is still declining. From this, we conclude that collectively, recovery measures implemented following the first Recovery Plan (Bailey and Zinger 1995) and those implemented after SARA listing have not succeeded in abating threats sufficiently to allow population growth and recovery.
Data that has become available through the recent DFO review (DFO 2014) has not identified any additional threats to the SLE beluga recovery that were not included in the recovery strategy. However, it has changed our perception of the relative importance of the previously identified threats. High contamination, high noise levels and potential for disturbance, and shortage of food supplies continue to be considered the main threats to SLE beluga recovery. However, shortage of food supplies, which was viewed as a likely imminent but undocumented threat at the time the Recovery Strategy was published in 2012, is now seen as one of the main factors likely involved in the current decline of the population (Plourde et al. 2014; DFO 2014; Williams et al. in press). Similarly, harmful algal blooms were considered a potential threat of medium concern. While there was no evidence that two of the three harmful algal blooms documented over the past two decades (see Scarratt et al. 2014) increased mortality in SLE beluga, the die-off of several beluga and other marine species in 2008, most likely as a result of a harmful algal blooms (Scarratt et al. 2014), has brought a very concrete perspective to the potential effects of such events on population dynamics, and has raised the level of concern for this threat.
Recovery measures implemented to date have been a mix of science/research and management-based measures. While nothing has really been done since 2005 to increase beluga access to food supplies, or to effectively mitigate noise and disturbance, we can conclude that recovery measures aiming at reducing legacy organochlorines in the beluga environment have been effective at reducing mortality from cancer in beluga. However, these efforts were counterbalanced by parallel exponential increases of other toxic chemical compounds (e.g., PBDEs), which might today be at least partly responsible for the high incidence of peripartum problems in females and newborn calves.
A cumulative model incorporating the top threats with the exception of harmful algal blooms (i.e., food supply shortage, high contamination, and noise and disturbance from marine activities) and their effect on population dynamics failed to determine which of these three threats needed to be the most urgently addressed to allow the population to grow (Williams et al. in press). Instead, this analysis indicated that simultaneous and aggressive mitigation of all three threats is needed in order for the population to maintain the necessary resilience to cope with effects from the warming climate. This report proposes recovery measures to abate threats. However, scientific evidence to identify the level below which a threat is no-longer likely to induce biologically significant effects on SLE beluga are generally lacking. Therefore, our capacity to even qualify the benefits for the population from specific recovery measures is also limited. Notwithstanding this, abating the three main threats is under our control, cannot harm the population, and provides the best chance for population growth.
To abate the threat from contaminants, there is a need to undertake actions promptly to reduce, or further reduce, levels of PBDEs and other flame retardants, and to enhance control over the discharge of other highly toxic substances (e.g., PAH, Mirex, PCBs, DDTs), in areas located upstream or within the beluga habitat.
Given that noise attenuates with distance, and in general with vessel proximity, the most effective way to reduce threats from noise and disturbance is to increase the distance separating ships, ferries and small crafts from the beluga or their important habitats. The replacement of ferries by road infrastructure at the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord would result in high and immediate gains for abating one of the top threats contributing to the prevention of recovery, as it would remove thousands of vessel transits each year in important beluga habitat where ensonification is the highest and the most chronic (McQuinn et al. 2011). Priority should also be given to re-examining the placement of shipping lanes and the pilot station as it is probable that adjustments could be made that would result in significant and rapid gains in terms of quieting important beluga habitats. In parallel, there is also a need to limit beluga interactions with recreational and whale-watching vessels, or activities resulting from marine development projects. An extension of the limit to beluga approaches (i.e., the 400 m no-boat zone) for sectors located outside of the SSLMP by including this measure in the Marine Mammal Regulations, and the creation of exclusion zones (e.g., acoustic refugees) in and outside the limits of the SSLMP, combined with adequate enforcement and awareness campaigns, would be highly effective at rapidly abating threat from noise and disturbance. These high priority measures are particularly important to implement promptly, considering the foreseen increase in noise and marine traffic as a result of recently implemented, or recently proposed, projects to expand oil and mineral transportation from ports located upstream or within the beluga habitat.
Effects of a warming climate on ecosystem structure and prey availability for beluga are difficult to prevent on the short-term. However, actions aiming at increasing standing stocks of potentially important prey of beluga, such as herring, rainbow smelt, tomcod, American eel, and some of the groundfish species, could provide beluga with a greater access to prey. Such actions include reductions of removals by existing fisheries, or even possible bans on additional forage species fisheries, and increased protection of spawning sites. Promptly completing the research on diet and habitat use would help identify key prey species, and focus management actions on the most important species.
The 2008 harmful algal bloom strikingly highlighted how these events can affect survival and population dynamics. Eutrophication through the increase in nitrogen and urea levels in water in particular, and climate change, which has circumstantially been identified as the cause for novel algal bloom episodes, may make these events more frequent (Anderson et al. 2012). Therefore, there is a need to implement regulatory actions to reduce inputs of some nutrients such as urea-enriched compounds (e.g., from agricultural fertilizers, improperly treated effluent) in the beluga habitat or upstream of it, to help limit the occurrence of these deadly events.
In parallel to these actions, performance indicators need to be instated and monitored to assess trends in threats and how they are affecting beluga health over time in order to inform adaptive management; currently very few such indicators exist (see Appendix 1). Indicators are especially needed for monitoring beluga exposure to contaminants and to vessel noise, interactions with vessels, and access to adequate prey. Monitoring programs exist to document population dynamics and trends, distribution, level of some threats (e.g., collision, entanglement), and causes of mortality. A monitoring program also existed within DFO for contaminants, but this program was abolished in 2014 and was not transferred to other institutions, which might impair our capacity to monitor recovery measure effectiveness in the future. The 2013 DFO review has demonstrated the importance of these programs, as they helped understand the complex and combined interactions among natural and human stressors.
These monitoring programs should also be accompanied by scientific research (see Tables 3-8 for specific data gaps) to provide the context needed for interpreting trends and to ensure that focus of recovery measures remains on components that are the most likely to contribute to abating threats. The development of models and other predictive tools would be particularly useful to test the effects of various management scenarios (e.g., traffic rerouting, speed reductions) on the level of specific threats, or on the probability of biologically significant effects on SLE beluga.
By virtue of its location downstream of important industrial centers, and the variety of valued socio-economic activities it supports, the SLE and its marine species are exposed to a myriad of human stressors. Currently, there is no mechanism for integrated spatial planning of activities in the SLE, or for setting stressor-specific management objectives, as there is no centralized tracking of authorized activities or projects, or their cumulative impacts on specific species. This is especially relevant for activities or projects that occur outside of the SLE beluga habitat, but that generate impacts in the beluga habitat (e.g., through increased marine traffic). There is an urgent need for a strategic (or programmatic) review to define upper limits to the level of specific threats we are willing to accept, and to provide context for current or planned activities and development projects that add to those threats. Such a review is especially needed for activities and projects that generate noise and disturbance, as it would provide a framework for setting management objectives in terms of noise levels or amount of traffic not to be exceeded, while improving spatial and temporal planning of economic activities such as shipping and marine development projects, and the assessment and management of their cumulative or aggregated effects on the beluga and its habitat.
8. Acknowledgements
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) wishes to thank the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park authorities, particularly Nadia Ménard, and experts from Environment Canada and Climate Change (ECCC) for their technical input to this report, which was written by Dr. Véronique Lesage, a DFO research scientist. DFO is also grateful for the expert review provided by ECCC.
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Appendix 1. Time series available to document the evolution of threat, and effects on SLE beluga or other components of the ecosystem.
Threat | Data type | Start date | End date | Lead |
Contaminants | ||||
Contaminant levels in beluga | 1983 | On-Going | Academia, DFO | |
Insufficient information available at the time of the review for contaminant levels in biological or physical components other than beluga | ECCC, DFO | |||
Insufficient information available at the time of the review from existing monitoring programs under the responsibility of ECCC (e.g., water quality, sediment) | ECCC | |||
Noise/Disturbance | ||||
Noise levels in the beluga habitat (various stations) | 2003 | On-going | DFO | |
Volume of merchant ship traffic (AIS) | 2012 | On-going | TC, DFO, Academia | |
volume of merchant ship traffic (other data sources, e.g., number of trips assigned to pilots) | 2003 | On-going | TC, DFO | |
Whale-watching trips in the SSLMP | 1993 | On-going | PC | |
Whale-watching trips outside of the SSLMP | On-going | DFO | ||
Percentage of whale-watching excursions targeting beluga | 2003 | On-going | ||
Infractions to SSLMP regulations | 2003 | On-going | PC | |
Recreation boating activities in the SSLMP and outside its limits | 2003 | On-going | PC, municipalities | |
Co-occurrence of beluga at the Saguenay Fjord mouth and at Baie-Ste-Marguerite | 2003 | On-going | PC | |
Compliance with voluntary measures to reduce ship speed and avoid certain areas within the SSLMP | 2012 | On-going | Academia, PC, G2T3M | |
SLE beluga | ||||
Abundance estimates (photographic aerial surveys) | 1988 | On-going | DFO | |
Abundance estimates (visual aerial surveys) | 2001 | On-going | DFO | |
Extent of summer distribution, and habitat use | 1988 | On-going | DFO | |
Number of deaths (and age-, sex- structure) | 1983 | On-going | DFO, RQUMM, and various other institutions (e.g., academia, aquaria and federal departments and agencies) | |
Causes of death (intoxication, cancers, infections, etc.) | 1983 | On-going | DFO, FMV | |
Diet (digestive tracts) | 1983 | On-going | DFO | |
Diet and trophic role (chemical tracers FA, SI) | 1988 | On-going | DFO | |
Ecosystem structure and functioning (isotopes in key invertebrate and fish species) | 1994 | On-going | DFO | |
Index of recruitment (photographic surveys) | 1988 | On-going | DFO | |
Index of recruitment (beluga herd follows) | 1989 | On-going | ENGOs (GREMM) | |
Harmful algal bloom | ||||
Harmful algal blooms in the Lower SLE (4-5 stations, including Tadoussac) | 1995 | On-going | DFO | |
Collision risk and entanglements | ||||
via necropsy program | 1983 | On-going | PC, RQUMM | |
via reports to Parks Canada | 1994 | On-going | PC | |
Environmental data | ||||
Sea-ice extent and duration | at least 1971 | On-going | DFO | |
Physical oceanographic parameters | at least 1971 | On-going | DFO | |
Commercial species landings, index of abundance, distribution, condition, but mostly for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, not the SLE | varies according to species | On-going | DFO |
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