CNFASAR grant funding application guidance document
On this page
- Canadian Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk – Grant funding context
- Application guidelines
- DFO regional contacts
- Instructions to complete the grant application
Canadian Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk – Grant funding context
Beginning in October 2024, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) will offer grant funding under the Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk (CNFASAR) program to support Indigenous Peoples participation in consultation and engagement for aquatic species at risk under the Species at Risk Act (SARA).
SARA is the legislative basis for the Government of Canada’s strategy for the protection of wildlife species at risk. Wildlife species that are listed under Schedule 1 of SARA as extirpated, endangered, threatened or special concern as a result of human activity are managed through measures such as prohibitions and recovery planning.
The CNFASAR Grant Funding Program supports Indigenous Peoples’ participation in consultation and engagement activities regarding proposed DFO activities under SARA. It considers potential impacts on Indigenous and treaty rights, as well as the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge in these decisions.
DFO will initiate the consultation/engagement with potentially affected Indigenous communities through an email notification and invite them to participated in the process and, if needed, apply for CNFASAR grant funding to support their participation in the identified process. DFO will work with the potential grant applicants to support the development of an approach that sets out a consultation and engagement process which includes timelines, scope, activities, and expected outcomes in advance of an application being submitted. The application for CNFASAR grant funding should be guided by the consultation approach developed with DFO.
Application guidelines
The following information provides applicants with an overview of the CNFASAR Grant Funding Program and explains how to complete the application form.
Applicants are required to submit an application in order to be considered for CNFASAR grant funding. All sections of the application form must be completed for the application to be processed by DFO. Once an application is received, a CNFASAR file number will be assigned for use in future correspondence.
Preference will be given to proposals requesting under $15,000. Applications with budgets exceeding $15,000 may also be considered if the expenses are justified by the need to support complex and more comprehensive consultation or engagement activities for listing or recovery planning under SARA. For example, in the event that a consultation body or entity, established by rights-holding communities, is representing multiple communities, consideration will be given to adjusting the funding preference to above $15,000.
The amount granted is subject to available funds at the time of the application’s evaluation.
Under CNFASAR grant funding, DFO cannot reimburse any expenses incurred for activities undertaken prior to receiving grant approval. To facilitate timely provision of funding, applicants should submit their grant requests soon after receiving a notification from DFO to initiate a consultation or engagement process.
Applications for funding are processed as they arrive. If the information provided is incomplete or insufficient, the application may be delayed or rejected. Activities eligible for funding must be completed by March 31, 2026. Submitting a grant application does not guarantee receipt of the requested amount. DFO reserves the right to refuse or partially grant the requested grants, following the analysis of the files presented or the funding still available. Activities and expenses can be undertaken from the date of receipt of the approval letter.
Information provided to DFO will be treated in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. These laws govern, protect and limit the collection, use and disclosure of personal, financial and technical information by federal government departments and agencies.
For more information about the CNFASAR Grant Program, please visit the CNFASAR website or contact the DFO regional coordinator assigned to the DFO regional office where the consultation process is located.
To be considered, your application must be emailed to the DFO regional office where the proposed activity subject to the consultation process is located.
DFO regional contacts
Interested parties should contact their designated DFO regional coordinator. After contacting the DFO regional coordinator, an application form must be completed and returned via email to the coordinator.
- Newfoundland and Labrador
Dana Yetman
Tel: (709) 697-3768 - Maritimes (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick)
Leanne Linehan
Tel: (902) 717-6936 - Gulf (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI)
Marie-Hélène Thériault and Chantal Saulnier
Tel: (506) 377-6817 - Quebec
Mélanie Poirier and Simon Cartier
Tel: 1-877-775-0848 - Ontario and Prairie and Arctic Regions (Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Nunavut and Northwest Territories)
Kristie Pearce
Tel: 1-866-538-1609 - Pacific (British Columbia and Yukon)
Kim Hardacre
Tel: (604) 347-8907
Instructions to complete the grant application
Please follow the instructions below to ensure your application is complete. For any inquiries related to the application process, please contact the appropriate regional contact listed.
Form part 1 – Applicant information
Legal name of applicant
Please use your organization’s legal name. It is important that the name you use for financial transactions be presented accurately to avoid delays in payment.
Name and title of authorized individual
Please provide the name and title of an authorized Individual (person representing the organization). This individual will become the main contact point for the CNFASAR grant application.
Telephone number and email
Please include an up-to-date telephone number(s) and email address.
Mailing address
Please include an up-to-date mailing address for your organization.
DFO intends on producing a map of the CNFASAR grant-funded activities that are occurring across Canada. Please indicate below if you consent to the use of your address, as detailed above, for this purpose.
Preferred official language
Please select the preferred official language (English or French) with which your organization would like to receive correspondence.
Proposed title for grant activities
Please include an indication of the Species at Risk Act listing or recovery process that is the subject of the consultation process in the title.
Species and process
Please clearly indicate the species, DU if applicable, and the process being consulted or engaged upon.
Eligible recipients
You may be eligible for CNFASAR grant funding if you are an Indigenous Nation/Organization whose Indigenous or treaty rights may be affected by a project decision under the SARA. Eligible recipients include:
- Indigenous Communities/Bands/Settlements
- District Councils/Chief’s Councils/Tribal Councils
- Indigenous governments
- Bodies or entities established by rights-holding communities to represent them
If your organization is a body or entity representing multiple rights-holding communities, please identify the communities your organization represents.
Eligible activities
Please identify which category of activity you will be engaging with under the grant:
- Preparing for, participating in and contributing to consultation and engagement activities, including public meetings and discussion groups, as well as formal consultations related to listing or recovery planning decisions under the Species at Risk Act
- Compiling, reviewing or providing information, data or views regarding the impacts of the Species at Risk Act listing or recovery planning decision(s) to potential or established Indigenous or treaty rights or title
Please note that listing check-ins are not eligible for funding under the grant.
Description of proposed activities
Please describe the proposed review and/or consultation or engagement activities, including an indication of how the activities will be carried out, which should include:
- Who will be involved in the consultation (e.g., Indigenous community(ies) or organization(s) and what level of representation will be targeted – e.g., Nation, regional parts of a Nation, part or all collective rights holders, communities)
- How the consultation approach will reflect the views of the rights holders (e.g., key activities and milestones)
- How the input will be shared among rights holders, leadership and DFO in the consultation process
Also include, or provide as a separate attachment, the consultation approach established with DFO.
(Maximum 500 words)
Description of adverse impact on Indigenous and treaty rights
Please indicate how the outcome of a listing or recovery planning process under the Species at Risk Act has the potential to affect your Indigenous and treaty rights.
(Maximum 500 words. Please note, further opportunities to share this information will be available during the consultation process.)
Budget information
Expenditures must be directly related to eligible activities outlined above. Please identify the proposed budget for the total cost of the activity(ies). In the table below, please identify the dollar amount and include a brief description for each applicable eligible expenditure category. Please include the amount requested from DFO and all other sources of funds (cash or in-kind support).
The amount of funding requested in any application should be at the minimum level required to carry out consultation activities and achieve the expected results.
In the event that a consultation body or entity, established by rights-holding communities, is representing multiple communities, consideration will be given to the total support offered, to address requests made on behalf of multiple communities.
Please note
CNFASAR grant funding cannot be provided for expenditures which are already funded by other sources.
Eligible expenses
Under CNFASAR grant funding, eligible expenses can be related to:
- Salary and wages, and employer mandatory benefits
- Professional, technical, and specialized services
- Software and computer equipment
- Printing
- Telecommunications, communications/network, data communications or image/video communications services
- Postage, parcel post or courier services
- Rental of office space, room and/or facilities
- Conferences, workshops and meetings
- Travel based on National Joint Council Directives (including meals, allowances, accommodation, etc.)
- Honoraria for Elders and/or Indigenous Knowledge Holders (maximum $350 per Elder or Knowledge Keeper, per day)
- Ceremonial costs including services, where the funding recipient is an Indigenous group that possesses Indigenous Knowledge relevant to the initiative or where the recipient provides services to support consultation on impacts on potential or established rights or title
- Administrative overhead (maximum 15% of expenses)
Ineligible costs
Ineligible expenses include:
- Capital expenditures
- Costs for lost income
- Honoraria for elected officials
- Cost related to accommodation measures
- Cost for litigation
Below is an example of a budgetary table to help guide your preparation.
Budget information
Number | Eligible expenditure category | Description of proposed activity | Cost breakdown details | Amount requested from Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Amount from other sources of funds (cash or in-kind) |
1 | Salary and wages, and employer mandatory benefits |
Project staff (include job titles and what they are responsible for) Example: Lands Director, Fisheries Manager and Referrals Officer will review the Species at Risk Act proposed documents and engage with membership and DFO. |
Lands Director at $80/hr x 4 hours = $320 Fisheries Manager at $65/hr x 7 hours = $455 Referrals officer at $45/h4 x 12 hours = $540 |
$1,315 | $1,000 or in-kind support for Chief and Council to review and attend community meetings |
2 | Professional, technical and specialized services |
Professionals and specialized service from biologists, engineers, facilitators, lawyers, etc. may be contracted by recipients. When possible include daily rates and indicate professional designation or position title. Example: Registered professional biologist. |
- | $2,000 | - |
3 | Software and computer equipment | - | - | - | - |
4 | Printing | - | - | - | - |
5 | Telecommunications, communications/network, data communications or image/video communications services | - | - | - | - |
6 | Postage, parcel post or courier services | - | - | - | - |
7 | Rental of office space room and/or facilities | - | - | - | - |
8 | Conferences, workshops and meetings | Conference room rental for one full day at community hall for community meeting | - | $500 | - |
9 | Travel expenditures (including kilometers/flights, meals, incidentals and accommodation) | Example: Roundtrip travel by vehicle from town A to town B for lands director to participate in a meeting with DFO | 400km x $0.53/km = $212 | $212 | - |
10 | Honoraria for Elders and/or Indigenous Knowledge Holders | - | Number of persons and numbers of days | - | - |
11 | Cost for ceremonial offerings | - | - | - | - |
12 | Administrative overhead is capped at 15% of total grant amount | Includes bookkeeping, HR and contract administration | - | $402 | - |
Total | $4,429 | $1,000 |
Funding from other federal or provincial departments/agencies
CNFASAR grant funding has a “stacking limit”. A stacking limit is the maximum amount of combined funding from federal, provincial and territorial governments permitted. Combined funding from governments to a recipient for participation in DFO-led SARA consultations cannot exceed 100% of eligible costs.
Please note
CNFASAR grant funding cannot be provided for expenditures which are already funded by other sources. Please identify whether your organization sought funding or is seeking funding in any other consultation on the same project as part of federal or provincial impact/environmental assessment or regulatory process, and if so, please provide details.
Form part 2: declaration/signature
DFO accepts either “wet signatures” (physically signed) or verified digital signatures.
By providing your signature, you confirm that all information contained in the grant application is accurate.
The grant application must be emailed to the appropriate DFO regional coordinator.
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