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User guide: Canadian aquatic species at risk map

This map provides an overview of critical habitat and distribution for aquatic species listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The map does not offer a view of the entire earth. It is focused on Canada.

Tips for interacting with the map:

On this page


The Navigation icons are positioned vertically on the left side of the screen within the map.

Zoom in button

Zoom in button

Zooms in on the map for closer inspection of the map. Zooming in may show more topographic details.

Zoom out button

Zoom out button

Zooms out on the map for a larger view of the area. Zooming out may show less topographic details.

Home button

Home button

The Home icon zooms the map to the default view.


The measurement icon looks like a ruler and is located on the left side of the screen within the map.

Measure tool

Measure tool

The Measurement tool allows users to obtain the distance covered by a line or an area on the map.

When clicking on the Measurement tool, a pop-up window opens and presents two measurement options: Measure a linear distance and measure an area and its perimeter.

Measure distance tool

Measure distance tool

To measure a linear distance, select the measure distance tool. Select a point where you want to begin. Drag the mouse to the next point where you want to end your measurement. Double click and release. A distance will appear on the map with its measurement.

Measure area tool

Measure area tool

To measure an area and its perimeter, select the measure area tool. Select a point where you want to begin, continue clicking on the map to define your area to measure. Double click and release. An area and its perimeter will appear on the map with its measurements.


Address text box where the user can enter an address that the map will zoom to

Address text box where the user can enter an address that the map will zoom to

The Search box in the top left corner of the map allows you to type in and find locations on the map, such as an address or place.

Species at risk layer transparency

Species at risk layer transparency
Species at risk layer transparency slider with “Transparent” on one side and “Opaque” on the other.

Species at risk layer transparency slider with “Transparent” on one side and “Opaque” on the other.

The Species at risk layer transparency tool is located in the top right corner of the map. It allows you to change the transparency of the coloured Species at risk areas.

Drag the cursor from opaque to transparent to change the level of transparency.


The coordinates widget gives users coordinates based on the pointer’s location or by adding points. It is located in the bottom right corner of the map.

Coordinates in Decimal Degrees


Displays the coordinates in Decimal Degrees of the cursor as you move it around the map.

Enables clicking a location on the map to get coordinates.

Add pin

The Add pin button allows users to click a location on a map and get coordinates. It will persist for the session and then disappear when you close the map. It will disappear when clicking again on the Add pin button.

Copy map coordinate text

Copy coordinates

The Copy coordinates allow users to copy the coordinates of the pin on the map.

Expand button to view map projection

Output coordinate system

The drop-down menu displays the coordinate system used for the map.


Information about the map button


The About button provides more information about this map. It is located in the toolbar in the top right corner of your screen.

Basemap gallery

Basemap gallery
Four squares shaped as a big square. Allows uses to choose a basemap

Basemap gallery

The Basemap gallery button looks like a square window with 4 panes and is in the toolbar in the top right corner of your screen.

It presents a collection of 3 basemaps that you can select to use as the background of the map:

  • Transportation: shows place and waterbody names, elevations, and streets/street names; this is the default map.
  • Oceans: shows land and ocean floor topography.
  • Satellite: shows satellite images.

User guide

User guide
User guide button

User guide (help)

The User guide button provides information on how to use this map. It is located in the toolbar on the top right corner of your screen.

Find Species at Risk tool

The Find aquatic species at risk tool is located in the toolbar on the top right corner of your screen. This tool allows users to identify aquatic species at risk located within a given marine area or within a searched area defined by the user. The results may be saved as a report (PDF) with links to the SARA public registry for each species identified in the searched area.

Find Species at Risk tool
Button composed of a fish in a magnifying glass to open a map query tool

Open tool

Opens the Find aquatic species at risk pop-up tool.

Refer to the Tutorial: Find aquatic species at risk tool for detailed information on how to use the tool.

Select area tab

Select area tab

The Select area tab is open by default when selecting the Find aquatic species at risk pop-up tool.

When sufficiently zoomed into the map, two options are given to the user to identify aquatic species at risk:

  • Select a draw tool
  • Download results by marine area
Select a draw tool

Select a draw tool

The Select a draw tool gives the user the ability to draw a point, or an area to define where they want to identify aquatic species at risk.

Download results by marine area

Download results by marine area

The Download results by marine area section of the tool are links to pre-generated reports for each marine area. The report presents a map of the area, and the list of species found within it.

Results tab

Results tab

The Results tab is greyed out by default but becomes available when select a draw tool has been used.

Results tab with a Save results to report (PDF) button and a gear icon to change the title of the report

Save results to report (PDF)

When results are generated and displayed in the results tab, the user has the option to save the report as a PDF document.

The gear icon next to the Save results to report (PDF) button allows you change the title to be displayed on the PDF report.

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